Best Electric Skateboard Wheels?

Thanks for your answer! However, I already bought my wheels!

So iv got 3 boards that use collecting parts for a 4th as a board to try things on to work out how parts are affecting the feel of the board and ride

I have
Purpul 80mm Kegel 83a
Blue 85mm caguama 77a
Black 107mm ABEC refly 74a

Iv got another ABEC pully spare what wheel should I try next?

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no abec, go kegel, and try TB110 72A, thats the last wheels u will ever need

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unnamed (20)

Not even in the top 50.

Out of that list -Boas old formula. Then cangamas. 97 superflies are nice, 107 are good but take some getting used to.

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Are you saying that the V1 Forumula is better than V2? if so - which characteristics

Still worth it at this price?

After Inport duty it’s about $240 now is it still worth it?


if 190 last longer than ur boards, then its worth it. I think @b264 had TB110 last more than 3 boards? don’t remember it exactly, too lazy to find the post

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You can get them from Frederic for about 150€ + shipping but they are sold out atm


Use code LETSDOIT10

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Hi. I see you referenced cloud wheels. I was looking at the 105 AT wheels available on Amazon. But I have no idea how to tell if they are compatible with my board. I have a raldey mt-v3s and I tried to order replacement wheels from their website and shipping is 50$ for 25$ wheels. Any help is appreciated. Also, sorry in case I direct messaged you, just finding my way around the forum.

You can use it for you front wheels but they won’t work for your rears b/c it’s a hub board

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Right. so if I need to replace the outers for the rears, the only place to get that would be direct from raldey? Or are there better sources?

Probably not sure if the pu from other hubs would work on it

got it. thank you! maybe I will just wait til I need a few things to dilute the shipping costs. Appreciate it.

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Orangetangs were my fav for the longest time I remember I had a job with a 1 hour train ride then 30 min skate along the river almost all buttery smooth bike path. I crushed it with my modified evolve GT (many years ago). Then I changed jobs to one out in the suburbs 15 mins no bike paths crappy roads this broke my love of smaller wheels moved up to the 107 abec super flies. Not as smooth or Carvey as the Orangetangs but way more resilient of crap roads. I have also tried all the evolve wheels, cloudies, bacon strips . Hate them all. My current fav is the tb110 and shark wheels on my analog board. I still have that evolve and still sports the purple Orangetangs I love them like a old flame but not my daily driver. I also have some 150mm airless I am fond of.

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Those might not work well for electric boards, as they are difficult to fit pulleys or cogs to.


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it’s almost legit… Can’t mark the hustle but can tell them to F off with the lame attempt at passiong it of as helpful advice.

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70mm huge size? Lol nah fam that’s baby size