"Best" 6-6.5 inch tires that fit Superstars

yeah maybe I should clarify - best reasonably priced tires


I’m also looking for 6" tires, the only ones I can seem to find that aren’t 6x2 is the evolve ones.

We should get a sunmate group buy going.


yeah, and I don’t think 6x2 don’t fit on trampa hubs do they?

I know they don’t fit on evolve or Anshul InfinityHubs, idk about Trampa


Have you checked in here yet?


prob stuck somewhere but in progress of return. Sometime '22 I assume.

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I thought I read somewhere that the Metroboard ones were originally Sunmates. Wish I could source them somewhere else

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That list has really terrible availability for 6" tires that fit evolve-sized rims


That is really incorrect in some places. For example, it says Tb hubs only fit 6.3" TB tires. If that’s true, then explain this

I did update that a bit, but it needs a lot more work.


There is really only one tire. 6.5 inch dia. Not too costly. Lots of rubber.

6.5 Inch URBAN Treads High Pressure High speed Tyres (trampaboards.com)

If you are mostly tarmac.

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6.5" is too big, I’d rather stick with my evolve tires than go up to 6.5"

This is the best price on sunmates short of a group buy

They’re well regarded road tires

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I think superbeast or whatever is similar pricing
NVM, mboards has genuinely good pricing. Might pick up a set since I have tubes

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Heck yeah thanks! Definitely picking up a set to compare to my evolve treads.

Anyone know of something like these but slightly wider with a more flat profile? But not Trampa gummies.

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I have not tried myself. but I believe folks like the Evolve tires both in 6 and 7 inch versions.

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also have not tried these.
but I want to.


I have a set of 150mm evolve and they seem decent

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Can confirm, evolve 150mm is good but does leave a little to be desired. Personally I can’t wait to try the sunmate tread from mboards.

Once I wear down my Evolves I’m definitely going for a set of Sunmates assuming the Metroboards aren’t available, the Evolves were fucking expensive

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Man fuck those sunmates tires. The rubber wore down in under a month and the bead wires pierced everything they could. Garbage tires.

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