thought it was fine but wanted some other opinions
I packed in white lithium grease into a large motor bearing (58mm), they’re SKF and didnt have much grease in them. I filled it 90% full, its pretty hard to move, and has no free spin at all. Not like it free spun before i put the grease in, but i can feel the resistance from the grease. The stock crap bearing has decent free spin
Just wondering if this would cause any unwanted friction or increased motor temperatures. Or am i overthinking?
IME, wheel bearings don’t really have any issues from overpacking.
But the few times I’ve tried to service motor bearings ( not in Esk8, just in general ) they seemed a lot more picky about it, and about everything else.
I probably would not be using WLG for a motor bearing, for that I’d make sure Id make sure I’m using a grease that has motor bearings listed among its applications. The Moly 274 grease I like does mention electric motors in its technical data sheet, as do many even generic greases, but I might even still look for something especially targeted towards motor bearing applications.
As for overpacking itself, I’m sure excess grease will work its way out pretty quickly so I don’t think that will do any harm for the bearing, but excess grease being flung around your motor is probably not good. Will attract dust and junk for sure.
I used the same grease in my motors, but with a dab or two of red’s speed grease mixed in to it. That way it had the same thick consistency as the grease I removed (thick) but had less rolling resistance than just the WL grease alone.
I originally packed it full but ended up removing some/ it came out on its own while testing the bearing. It has been several months since replacing the grease in all of my motor bearings and I haven’t had any issues with them.