Battery Selection help

Anyone have any thoughts on this. It seems like a good option but im open to others.


If you can afford it, Skyart is one of the most consistent long-term custom battery builders we’ve got

You could shop around some but given that he already offers that exact battery there, it’s probably easiest to just go with him.


Dang thanks for rhe compliment Ryan!!

There is a discount code available to all forum members DIY5 at checkout on anything in the store!

Oh and it now comes with an 8 amp charger! Bit faster then the 6amp chargers of past


ok so I’ve got the enclosure, anything else i need to send over like the heatsink and wires? Also it comes with the BMS and charger right?

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If you need a heat sink for your battery then you need a different battery :rofl: You could need some wire if the input voltage wires on your VESC are too short and the connector won’t reach the battery though.

The photo shows a BMS so I’m 99% sure it will come with one. Unless @Skyart says otherwise.


A good battery builder will take care of everything up to and including the charge port, unless specifically stated otherwise.

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Sick, thanks for the replies everyone!

Comes with everything! Wires, charger, charge port, heck if you send me the heatsink from the flux enclosure il even customize it to fit some solos!! Juat ask @SquishyCat

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I believe he meant vesc heat sink that would be installed into enclosure

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I can confirm :fire: Artem hooked me up big time.