Battery Clearing House SV-BA10 13s 20Ah Battery

Whats the output current rating on these?

supposedly 45A

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Does it come with a BMS? Im on my phone right now so can’t find info easily.

I would assume it has something internally… will know tomorrow

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@Scepterr I just wanna future proof myself, I doubt these will be around again (22 left now). @Gamer43 they said it has a BMS when I talked to them on the phone, and the charging ports on the top. Also in this picture it looks like it has a fuel gauge.


if you see it drop by 10 tomorrow you’ll know why… and didn’t the guy say he has 2 pallets? I wouldn’t trust that’s all there is, maybe just the batch they tested for voltage

Under $100 for a kwh is a steal but unfortunately I cannot find a use for it, too big for my scooter and not enough current output for MTB.



let’s not forget these are from 2016, not gonna be some magical cells in there and no idea how much use they’ve had and no idea how much capacity is remaining…
for my purposes, energy storage, it’s a no brainer, for others not so much

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Lithium ion tends to hold up pretty well when stored in proper conditions and at storage voltage.

They can very well test at 95% or even better.

assuming new and never used…

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@Scepterr yeah, he said he had two pallets left. But in the pictures you can see the batteries are pre-boxed with large foam inserts. So I don’t know how many would fit per pallet. I don’t expect them to be full capacity, but the data sheets make me think they will last well long term


I think it charges with any generic ebike 13s charger. (1.5 amps would take a little long though)

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I’m not convinced it’s 13s… could be 12v lithium cells

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Maybe I’ll pick up one for a future ebike build :stuck_out_tongue:


we should start a countdown to my delivery… lol

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Here’s a video of the sharp robot that used the batteries. It seems like it was a flop… One is used for security at the Indianapolis speedway though.

Here you can see a guy sliding a battery tray in with 2 packs.


that rear wheel… what’s going on there
hub motor?

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@Scepterr 2 minutes into the video they show why. Insane maneuverability :joy:

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somebody needs to throw a deck on that drivetrain :grin:



If all else fails I’ll sell it to a onewheeler