Bajaboard frame location US-NYC
1500 (USD)
G3 is sold but I have the G4 that is available for sale.
Do u still have one for sale?
the G3 frame sold and I only have G4X brand new frame with 6374 for sale if you are interested also 9 inch wheels.
here is my number 9173742620
When did you get it?
its 2019 frame. I can send you pictures if you text.
I am more wondering about how hard it is to purchase one from them haha but I guess you have what I want. I’m not in the market for it right now, maybe next year.
They will not sell you a frame.
kinda hoping to find a dead S2 someday
To purchase a brand new one makes more sense as $1500 a little steep? To get this one up and running would cost…remote $200, 900 battery $1000, 4 esc $400+, 4 motors $400+, belts plus miscellaneous parts puts this at the same price or most likely more than a brand new one…
Welcome. Way to make an entrance. Good job.
have way too many
lot kicking around
awd vesc6
I’m sure Baja would sell you a frame. Especially if you were happy to buy a second hand one. Send them an email if you’re really keen.
But my advice would be to avoid altogether.
I am actually more interested in a hunter board… Better design philosophy and would love to tear one down. Then VESC swap… Battery mods… Belt drive conversion, ohh maybe they will sell the front truck alone
What does this board need to be all original and complete?
lol no
pls no
Truth hurts.