Backfire Upgrades: Ranger X3 Hub motors/Drivetrain

ranger x3
Teach Me Masters!
I am curious what kinds of drivetrain swaps I could probably do on my Ranger X3?
Would I be able to find a belt drive system that could work with the current esc or should i just build a second board already?

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you’re gonna have to build a second board. That esc will only work with those motors.

I started to feel dumb as I posted it, kind of realized it after i posted lol.

Not an issue obviously, next time someone has a question like this (and has the mental resolve required to use the search button) they’ll have an answer available.

I see this all the time on FB too. Good to have info available like this

Or swap the esc alongside the Drivetrain

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is it possible to reuse/cycle grip tape if I remove it carefully ?

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use a hair dryer, and probably


True, thanks guys.

Using a hair dryer to remove only part of it at a time works best. Just lift it up enough to access any bolts and also use heat to get it back in place. Do not force it down or flat with a hand.

@DeckerBoards Are you interested in selling your ranger esc + Hub motors. If yes pm me please!

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Not right now. I’m gonna probably hold onto whatever Esk8 parts I come across venturing into DIY.

@DeckerBoards Where I you from? If you are near Quebec Canada and want to try my DIY mountain board just let me know.