AWD Eskate-Kart | 100kv Maytech hubs | 4.12 FSESC's | Left and Right throttles

First rule in electric vehicle design is “metric is King”

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sorry for the freedom units.


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welcome to all and any feedback on the edit… kind of weird to have a video with such an anticlimactic ending but that is a case of the times and I hope to finish this project shortly… Our senior exhibit is happening this Thursday!!!


Ok I graduated.

Now that that is over with, I am going to continue to build and film.

Tonight I was tinkering with the kart and got square holes marked to drill to mount the axels.
“Measure a million times and question yourself some more”

No real progress but more of a check in to say that more is coming!


Congraulations Bro!!!


Thanks! now to the real stuff!

Weird electric go karts and job hunting!


Drilling holes! I’m welding up the axels/ spindles/ whatever we are calling things this week.

Have to wait for a 7/8” bit to drill the front holes that allow the bearings to fit inside the deck. I am skeptical of the front collapsing under weight but :man_shrugging:t2: Uncharted territory.


I got the drill bit in for the front “spindles” so I drilled the holes and everything looks good.

I also shortened the harnesses for each motor to a more proper length for the final install and ordered butyl tape to help try and seal my leaky vacuum bag up better… If the leak is truly at the zipper this should definitely help.

Slow progress, but still progress.


fun fact
That butyl tape would also be perfect for water tight and not permanent enclosure mounting as well.


Ok. The back is now gonna be a jig saw’d blank deck with color matched (to the 3D prints) paracord

It’s going to be laced up in such a way to make for bolstering and have stick on foam on it as well as where your butt goes.

Figured it was the easiest way to go (considering I don’t really skate anymore and I had it laying around.)

I just want to get this thing together so I can feel what 100 max amps to 4 wheels feels like! And race my mother-in-law and her 50cc scooter haha


There has been so much stuff learned that wasn’t even thought of until I tried to execute something… the back rest has been a battle since day 1.

The paracord has a nice “spring” to it that is nice when sitting but may be a bad idea when actually driving.

Think I may put some stickers on the backrest. Would have been cool to use a used skateboard but this wasn’t supposed to be any part of the original design.

I have been watching a channel on YouTube called Cars and Cameras and actually was dreaming of a go kart or mini bike build until I slapped myself and realized I was already in the midst of building one!!! I have reached the end of my attention span I suppose.


Will you put Paracord pulling backwards? Otherwise when you brake, the backrest will bend?
You could use kayak backrest also :thinking:

I guess something similar to a kayak backrest was what I was going for.

Unless you straight up hit a wall, there isn’t really a possible way to have less than 0lbs. on the backrest just due to the driver position.

I didn’t really show it but there is a notch in the deck where the backrest actually goes into it so that it isn’t floppy. Learned that I needed to secure the bottom somehow after I tried it out the first time.


Progress is still happening.

Somehow I got a bit of ackermann steering even without math!

Welding with a 110v welder isn’t quite what I need, but it’s what I got! Let’s hope it can hold!!! hahaha


I tough those motors were rated 22amps max so it would be better to have 88 amps max per motor to avoid overloading them :wink:

I thought so too but the auto detect on the VESC are saying 29 - 30 A for each of them.

Thoughts anyone? I currently have the motors set at 30A and the power Set at 25A (previously was 18.5A) for each motor one it’s own Flipsky esc.

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Are my welds beautiful? No.

Will they work? Maybe! Hahahaha

Right rear is mounted and the left front is painted and drying before it goes on for good.


Anyone have any input on this??? I don’t actually know what I am doing!


2 more to go before it is a roller!!!


We are all together!!! Time to find an empty parking lot. (Should be easy to do with the ‘Rona)


(production quality isn’t quite there, but I just wanted to get some footage out to show you guys!)

Need to tweek the speed controllers and fix the slightly sticky throttles but for a first test, it went super well and I am very pleased with how the steering turned out.