Archived: the OG noob question thread! 😀

I think our remotes need a serious overhaul. I want a beastly one with integrated slide protection, flashlight, horn, and of course reliability over all.

Hell, put a taser, knife, or slide out baton in it for all I care. Swiss army esk8 remote.

A compass on top would be mostly useless but cool to see.


How would this work? like the remote is part of a glove or wrist guard?


Yep. For some reason my mind pictures the needler from halo but way less awesomely awkward.

Falling with your hand around a handle but still in wrist slide position shouldn’t mess you up as long as the material doesn’t break :grimacing:


hmm. Sounds pricey… Would have to have metal shell prolly… And heavy to hold… Idk maybe that’s just what I’m imagining lol

Lift weights get dates


Hoyt Puck



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I’ve thought about how to do this for years.

What about a slide puck that sits on the outside of your fist while it’s wrapped around the remote? So you have your hand wrapped around the grip of the remote, and held with seatbelt material there is a slide puck hovering over your fingertips and wrist

I thought about that too… But the leverage… If the puck grabs something or it hits the ground at an angle, it’s gonna twist the shit out of your wrist… I feel like it has to be against your palm to work properly… Like a hoyt puck that is velcroed to your glove like slide pucks are… but stronger material obv…

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Might just need to be round (hemisphere-shaped) then instead of puck shaped, and have a shorter lifespan but on electric it’d be used far less anyway

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I’ve considered gluing a puck on to my remote at the bottom for this exact purpose. I don’t like cutting a puck around my remote because it still would hit remote first.
Blue puck. In this case, that screen jut out would need some slide protection too.

So basically a remote shaped puck. Hoyt went with puck shaped remote which is close but wasn’t my favorite.

Or, the remote shell has metal reinforcement and there is a teflon puck surface that can be replaced when worn?

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Even just those plasticy inserts for wrist guards extending out from the bottom of a remote would suffice. Replaceable and already molded for your wrist shape.


Show me more of this context please, I’m missing the picture

Closest thing I got to what you drew lol

Ah I see it now. Yep, if something protective and slidey came off that bottom bolt and covered your wrist, you could superman a bit more safely in my mind.

Hmmm… Possible… I just wonder if I will be holding on to the remote in a crash… Unless its strapped to my wrist…

Good point. Personally I use a wrist strap and have always held on to the remote when falling.

I think I just answered my own thought… Because you’d still need a wrist guard for your other hand, at which point you might as well just put it on both your hands instead of having some weird remote wrist guard on one and a normal one on the other…

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