Archived: the OG noob question thread! πŸ˜€

well, now its a bracelet for steampunk fetish :man_shrugging:

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The temporary replacement i have also has a cut.

If that one rips i only have one 460mm belt left.
Then i have to run left 460mm and 480mm right.

So no more board riding until atleast Wednesday (if they ship the belts fast)

even where i buy there is only either 450 or 475

and how can you live without a backup board with that kind of addiction :joy:

Yeah i think i only now 1 shop that sells 480mm belts but these are the ones i currently use and they rip.

I have 1 1/2 backup boards ^^

My Wowgo 2s and my TB 110mm street board which still lacks a motor mount.

Where do you get your belts from?

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duri antriebstechnik


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15.x€ for one belt, thats the most expensive one yet. I mean if they hold then its justified. The ones i currently have are from here

10 for 60.x€
Instead of 4 for 60€ :see_no_evil:

But again, justified if they hold better.

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up to half a year in my experience, anything that died quicker was somehow related to human error (or stones in the drivetrain, or snow in the drivetrain :roll_eyes:)

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i might give them a shot… Do you need some spares?

also - tango down

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im good, i use the same belt length on both of my boards and still have plenty

but its so hard to believe you would have to order from austria, did you really look everywhere ?

what about this 460 / 475 ?

Have you considered consulting with a witch Doctor? I can’t see any other way for you to avoid belts breaking.


Can you recommend someone? Don’t know anybody :stuck_out_tongue:


You are in luck! He she is

You can contact her on this number:


Awesome, i’ll give her a call. I hope that helps.


This is probably unrealistic since no fiber reinforcing so might be too much of a rubber band but curious if anyone has tried printing a belt with TPU? How does it disintegrate/break or does it just wear down quickly?

There is a certain spot on my Wheelpulley where the teeth won’t sit flush. Pulley is clean on the inside.

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It won’t work at all. Without reinforcement it’s useless, and TPU is too soft for that too.

Are your belt and pulley profile the same?

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Yes sir. Its just that spot. everything else is normal.

The same spot in the pulley? I can’t tell for sure but it’s almost like the pulley was undercut in the profile so the belt can’t seat properly…

i wouldn’t bother messing with that. with the tension will make it sit flush. As long as your belts are not skipping like crazy then don’t worry

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