Archived: the OG noob question thread! 😀

switch to bldc & repeat

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ack thanks

They charge to 3.65V

The power switch on the comm port? :flushed:

If they’re from torqueboards they are designed to bolt through the wheel

That’s because those wheels aren’t true ABEC wheels.

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Sooo, when your proper EZ-lock tool stripped the expensive ez-lock screw, what do you do?

Use a M4 screw and a wera hex?

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Stripped? JB weld/red loctite something in, let cure, remove.


Yeah, I figured that would be an option, but the wood glue was drying, so I tried just screwing it in with the M4 screw, and it worked sufficiently. I was just worried of stripping it…

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I guess I don’t understand. You stripped the inside of the insert, but you still screwed it in? I thought you wanted it out of the deck.

Sorry, that wasn’t clear - the upper lip to which the ez-lock tool attaches to screw it in, stripped when it was half in.

It already happened a second time. I again got it in with the same method, but I wonder how people actually get this to work properly…

Might my board be too hard? I think it’s bamboo.

Bruh just use two nuts on a bolt in a drill on the pictorial drill setting

Have you not read the threaded insert bible


Ya I couldn’t remember. I just remember having to fill up each cell with acid on my agm batteries a few years ago.

will that diagram work?
when antispark loop are in there is flow and board move when antispark loop are off i can charge it on pararell board, am i right?

I did actually read the thread, and that’s why I got that useless tool. Maybe you are referring to some thread on the old forum?

The method in the video is indeed superior. I wish I had seen that before.


Oh, no.

In my world, that video is the thread insert Bible.


finally i can post images so i do

If it’s still half way out, vice grips can grab the outside of the bolt and rotate it out like a L wrench

Yes that should work like you planed @hypocist

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