Archived: the OG noob question thread! 😀

Question - Did you buy the male and female bullets from different sources or at different times? There are quite a few “5.5mm” bullet designs, and they’re all subtly different.

It’s also possible you got 5.5mm male bullets and 5mm female bullets.


Nope they are pairs, bought all together. The pairs came in the same bag. Im pretty disappointed with this purchase haha

Send them back. Sometimes you get a dud.


Three bags of duds? I guess I cant see a reason why not haha. Thats what I get for buying from Amazon I guess.

How about you Mike? Where do you get your bullets?

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Amazon like eBay allows basically anyone to sell (minor restriction you need a upc to sell there) so you can definitely find some dud products (or crappy sellers) but sure I’ve bought some there that were adequate (not requiring a hammer)

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Gotten lucky with all the sets (10+) I’ve bought from Aliexpress. Most of those were 4mm.

I’ve bought pretty much all my bullets either from Amazon or HobbyKing. HK’s shipping is a little steep unless you order a bunch of stuff at once though.

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Thanks everyone for all the input on this :grinning: Is there a thread for hardware recommendations?

@wafflejock and @MysticalDork , do either of you have links to the ones you bought and had success with?

I’ve been using a board that had the sensors plugged into UART…will that damage it?

@BenjaminF I got these.

@ZachTetra Shouldn’t. UART and the sensors are both 5v level signals as far as I know (I know the halls are 5v.)

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Check if the CAN is working at all. Scan canbus, try to connect to the slave via the master.


Atleast amazon has a good return policy that is hassle free. I never have to do more then print off a return label.

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Oops sorry just saw this.

I use Rit Dye, the one for synthetic materials.

Boil a pot of water enough to submerge fully whatever you’re dyeing.

Then add the whole bottle of dye, a squeeze of dish soap, and a cup of vinegar. I used white vinegar.

Off the stove, dump your wheels etc in, and let it sit in there. The longer the better, I left mine for an hour. Turn the stove on with low heat to heat it up if it starts to cool down, but make sure to stir occasionally.

For wheels, stir the wheels every 10 mins or so because the part that contacts the bottom of the pot may not absorb


That looks fantastic! Does the dye absorb all the way through the urithane?

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Woke up to this, I left the board ON and charging over night, now one side is acting up, all of the three lights are on, red, blue and green, dvr seems fine, motor detection doesn’t work anymore, can connect to vesc with out issues, what could’ve happened here? What else should I check for troubleshooting?

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Did you rewrite firmware on the bad side? I would do that, let it finish write, and then unplug power for 10-15 seconds and try again.

No, I will try it tho, but why would it brake like this?

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It’s a little fuckhead computer. Why do any of them act up?


From the looks of it, not really, I’d say about 4mm deep?

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