Archived: the OG noob question thread! 😀

Its 4.30am in the uk Brian.


@Trampa a free teeshirt for @b264 as well!

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I watched some more videos and connected it up and turned it on but I seem to be missing the Li-Ion program. Will get back to you after I figure this out.

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Lipo Manual program, 20000mAh.
The mAh is a safety feature. It counts what you pumped in and shuts down charge when the count is done.

Balancer 1 carries the minus pole of the battery, Balancer 2 carries the plus pole of the battery.

A simultaneous push on the two middle buttons will display all individual cell voltages. ± let’s you skip through the cells.

You need a booster BTW. 500W 12V power supply will allow 6A charging.


when should I expect my new VESC teeshirt @Trampa?


Ok, just to confirm even though I have Li-Ion (30Q’s) I should use the Li-Po program?

Also, how do I know which is the minus and plus poles for the balancers?

A booster will come in time, I am already at $5500AUD so I need to save my pennies.


Not the same charger but trust me I am studying the one that came with it closely.

the balance plug should be keyed

I.e. only fit in the charger one way
 it also should have a - on one end your balance plug should go to that side
 a good battery will have a black wire as -, maybe take a pik of your balance wire keys up and your balance connection port on your charger

See the “keys” on the balance plug
 Ref. The black wire, far right. That is neg. [-] black. Look at your charger balence port
 It also is “keyed” i.e. only fit one way
 Neg on plug. Goes to the far side of whichever way the plug fits in

I don’t know ifbon your charger keys fit up or down so I can’t tell you to which side neg. Goes but it should fit in only one way.


Am I right in thinking you have a 30q with a bms? Or do you have your balance leads connected outside of the enclosure lipo style?

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The balance plugs are all keyed and line up. I’m just confused as I have two separate packs, so does one become + and one - depending on which side it is plugged into (e.g. the one with three red cables in the 2nd picture is positive I’m guessing).

@Dareno It is a 2x 6s7p (creating a 12s7p) pack (edit: with 30Q’s) with no BMS so each pack has its own set of balance cables.


Fuck I don’t know! You’ve got a fine rats nest of wires going on! I can’t even fathom what you have going on there
 what I’d do is charge one battery at a time till @Trampa can unfuck that bundle of wires
 It shouldn’t take much longer as Frank has already stated your charger is of limited watts.

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Lol yeah, hence my apprehension on starting to charge it. I think I will hit up someone at Trampa for a good time where they can talk me through it.

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Doesn’t that charger charge more than one pack at a time? I am not sure of the issue. Should be plugging them in as individuals. Thats how I have always charged my multi lipo packs.

Am I missing something?

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@Dareno is right. Have you ever parallel charged a lipo?

I’d do it like that, but you have so many jumpers, wires, and connectors that I cannot tell where they go and what they do
 unplug the jumper in your trampa box at the XT
 hook the battery XT to the charger main power and then the battery balance wire to the charger
 and charge one 6s battery at a time, till you figure out how to parallel balance the two batteries
 good luck, my eyes are bleeding!


The idea was that I should be able to charge the battery(s) in the monsterbox just like you would if you had two Li-Po’s. The battery builder recommended it and I confirmed it should work in this thread The battery builders club


Have a look here: One 6S pack carries the plus pole (balancer 2), the other 6S pack carries the minus pole ( balancer 1)


I don’t need to check on @Marsen fine work. He is one of the good guys. Looks like Frank has you now though mate so good luck and get that thing on the road. Maybe get the 2 of them in a pm to help you get through this hiccup because thats all it is, a hiccup.

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Is 550$ (500€), for a build like this with a TB 75kv DD, chinese belt esc, Wowgo 6.4ah battery, some shredlights, 97mm wheels (or TB 110mm for 90$ more) worth it?
He can add an Evo 36 deck for like 65$ more too.