Archived: the OG noob question thread! 😀

Does anyone know of any good top, truck mounted battery boxes?
At the moment I am running 2 batteries in parallel with 1 in my backpack and the other being the regular deck mounted enclosure. I am kind of getting tired of having a teather.

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Let me know when you have some results (if you still remember it by then)

Option B is that i’m faster and provide you with some data ^^

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Do you have open or closed motors? those are closed so I don’t think it will make a big difference

Mine are rather open.


A are you using knarled set screws?

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Not to sure. Just using the screws that were provided

Take picture and post it of the screw

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Is there anyway to get the metr pro working with android vesc tool. I know I can do most things with metr app. I am just more used to VT.

Close the Metr app (but still be connected to the module)

open the VT and connect via (ble?)


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Not sure if it was a dream but is there a mtb with a front fox gas shock it had one and it was sideways

Bajaboard s2


Ah crap that’s it! So what’s the word on that board around here? Trucks and suspension at least worth a buy? Ehhh mounting looks funk I wanna build with the bro board not sure if could use them

No. The Baja only works as the Baja. And only when it works. Which isnt often :man_facepalming:


Update your metr module firmware use the blue icon next to the module name in the settings to update the module and or the vesc firmware. Reason being the new version will have ppm data in the records too so can see if it’s control input that is dropping or something else.


I mean any box can be bolted to the deck by dropping the truck bolts through the base, just toss a 1/4” riser under so it doesn’t vibrate apart

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How do I waterproof that joint? Like how would I prevent water from coming up through the bottom of the box, if I have bolts going through?

Drop the bolt in most of the way, put silicone on the thread, the push it the rest of the way and tighten. Add more silicone if needed


I use rubber washers. Helps waterproof, helps keeps bolts from coming loose, and absorbs vibration.


If I use the FocBox Unity tool Enertion provides will i have to manually update the firmware? I just don’t want to have the firmware with the cutouts at speed. Also I don’t see a port to plug in a Bluetooth module, where does that go?

Edit: I see the comm port but it looks way bigger that the connector on my Bluetooth module

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Unity has Bluetooth built in. Download the focbox UI app and it will prompt you to download the latest FW automatically.

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