-sigh- It gave me a bunch of trouble the first time but it randomly starting working after a while, no such luck this time around
So it currently works normally but no reverse?
Yeah, I got cruise control and battery feedback with smooth throttle response but no reverse
Isn’t the default 115200 bps?
My bad yeah, it makes the motors twitch like crazy
Beats me. You reach out to flipsky?
I did last time, they were very useless
Oh my god, it’s so much fun to ride! How do you guys not skip work/school and just ride all day?
Who said we don’t skip work or school to ride… fake news
Yeah what is this “work/school” thing you speak of?
hey guys, I read the part in this thread about the VESC not being sensed by the pc, and I’m having the same problem, but the posted solutions didn’t work for me. Any advice? I essentially have a $250 piece of hardware that can’t connect to the VESC Tool at all
What OS?
windows 10
Wow, WIn10 cured all my vesc connection problems. Have you tried leaving your vesc connected and rebooting system?
yeah, multiple times. nothing.
What if you try to go comm 3 0r 4?
I only have COMM 1
So if you select dropdown, no other options? That’s weird.
when I unplug and plug in the cable, my pc doesnt make a sound that it recognizes the device
Swapped cables? I have some cables that don’t work.