Archived: the OG noob question thread! 😀

I think, if anything, range per volt or km/V would increase as the voltage drops because the performance drops.

Accelerating slower is the best way to get more range. Worse performance is accelerating slower.

But that’s just a guess.

Interesting theory, we need some real world testing. It would have to be the same route at the same pace at various voltages recording range vs volts

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@dickyho has what you need

When drilling and mounting an enclosure, how do you get holes through the foam used to seal the mate? I guess ideally the holes through the foam would be smaller than the bolt diameter?

In my experience, I try to avoid drilling through the foam. It has ended up messy for me more times than not. I would drill the deck/enclosure and then apply the foam and use a pick or any poker you’ve got to punch a hole in the foam/weather strip. It’ll stretch around the bolt.
My tool of choice

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Maybe something like this for the foam holes. I’m gonna pick one up today or tomorrow.|*PLA+-+All+Products+-+Lower+Sales+Items|New+Products+-+(1)+Price+<%2410|67030&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&mkwid=spInfugbM|pcrid|318476002950|pkw||pmt||pdv|m|slid||product|67030|&pgrid=63088204786&ptaid=pla-298184348111&pcid=1654049980&gclid=CjwKEAjwlujnBRDl2teOp_veulQSJAC5bHgtuYGg4k9hpTGXim0HGfPyGeotYU4NtGR91khHF6XrlhoCgVvw_wcB

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I push a small drill bit through the foam.


Oh mighty gods of esk8 building, please hear my calling. I want to protect my flipsky 4.12 and add a TVS diode to the circute. But me, a weak human don’t know what TVS diode to use and where to put it. I beg you, share your knowledge with me and my gratefulness shall be eternal.

I clamp the whole thing down tight with wood clamps with the foam attached and drill the enclosure at the correct angle using the drill bit sized for the fixing bolts. Only go about 2mm into the deck so when i drill my insert holes I have the angle right. Sharp new drill bit will cut the rubber or foam seal fine if its all clamped down tight.

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What battery are you using? 10S, 12S? Something else?

10s4p build using 30q.

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Try the SMCG51A-E3/57T TVS diode

Thanks! It should be soldered to the e.g negative cable just before the VESC right?

Really it should be as close to the DRV8302 power (pins 53 & 54) as possible. So yes, right where the power goes into the VESC across the main filter capacitors.



@Tadagami Actually, that TVS diode is out of stock, maybe this one


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I got a problem with a friends dual hub motor board which i gave him a year ago! While accelerating one motor just starts spinning when its rolling, not from stand still. When its spinning its all good,everything is fine, but I’m a bit confused about that behavior.
What could be the reason for that?
Thanx gutz n guys

Can you explain that again? Its not clear exactly what is happening

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@Dareno no problem. Its about censored hub motors.
While accelerating (when the board is lying on the grip tape side for testing) only one motor spins and the other one spins not. The “problem motor” needs to be nudged and then its spinning without any issue. Acceleration and breaking force is all there but it doesn’t move from stand still.
When i spin the motor by hand(without accelerating) there is a little break force that i can feel the other motor does not have.
Maybe a problem with the sensor wires?

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Is it one of the chinese esc boards? If so unplug the sensors completely. You don’t need them and you will get slightly more power.

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yes it is, but rock solid esc imo. You think its the sensors, too?
Okey, i will try that. What do i have to do with the sensor cables flying around in the enclosure?
Wrap them in tape or something?

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