Is your switch momentary or latching?
Also, prepare yourself for the possibility that it’s more than the switch. In which case it might be good to get comfortable with the idea of putting together a loop key or AS150.
Arguably, the most reliable way to control power to an ESC [pair] is to use an XT90S loopkey.
[20190219_024916] [20190219_024931]
It may not be the prettiest or the shiniest or the most foolproof, but it probably will outlast almost any other way if done correctly, and it’s certainly the cheapest. This does have antispark characteristics if you use the “XT90S” instead of the “XT90” variant of the female connector. You definitely don’t want to use the female XT90.
Essentially, you make “a k…
As for the board currently, you can leave it on as long as you dare. There is one among us who has had his board on for close to a year.
Or is it longer @DerelictRobot ?