Aptera [one of the most efficient SEV] preorder code / link ?

Does somebody have a Referal-Link I can use to preorder the Aptera so you get your Aptera cheaper and if you are searching for a ref-link you can maybe use mine to preorder so we all save a few dollars.

(70$ instead of 100$)

The range from the solar panels might be not as much as they claim “like always” but about 60-70% so the closer you are to the equator the more you will profit (the panels only have a small angle).

I want to buy this thing to travel and for my new daily commute(next year) which I cannot do with my esk8/bike anymore.(It is through a city with many cops and cobblestone roads+pedestrian areas.)

I hope this thing will be even legal here in Germany xD. 3 wheels and kind of ultralight without a lot of room for force absorption during an accident…
If this thing will be illegal here, I will of course offer my preorder to someone from this forum first.

Have a nice day, Jonas!

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Oh, the reservation cost is only 100$. For a second there I thought you had pre-ordered a $30k electric car without knowing if it’s street legal yet :laughing:


I don’t think these will be truly on the road and in production for a while!! They still have a long long way to go… If they even get as far as production!


The black offroad one with pet carrying capabilities looks sweet. I would of coarse add my own stereo system in the place of the dog seat

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Update! I just uploaded a video regarding the solar range with a free range calculator exactly where you are!

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