Apex Jump Drive

This is the plan i’ve been baking for if i ever need to do it


I’m working on doing this for reacher motors + jump drives, but with a lathe.

do the pinions have enough surface area to simply trust loctite 638 to do its job?

With a high power board I’m not gonna try my luck.

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No, just my opinion. Just reengaging here for the first time in a bit, so take my opinion with a grain of salt.


Hmm that’s unfortunate. If only I had a buddy who was a master machinist :thinking:

Just kidding, great to see you back around here Phil!

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For whatever it’s worth, these look like mod 1.5 straight cuts.

Mod 1.5 is was SRB uses, and it has a very raw (harsh) feeling. My mod 1.5 open gears scream like banshee on hill climbs, to the point that it is pretty unpleasant even with a full face on.

Mod 1 straight cuts are very smooth in comparison. They still make more noise vs helicals, but they don’t have the harsh feeling that mod 1.5 has. I can completely understand why the apex team wasn’t thrilled with mod 1.5 staight cuts.

I just got my hands on a 4wd set of jump drives, so I’m stoked to try out my first set of helicals and see if y’all can convert me to team helical for good :slight_smile:

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Yes, please @ApexBoards make a straight cut mod1 set of gears for us to buy! :slight_smile:

I have a 4wd build on mod1 straight cuts and the sound is pretty pleasant in my opinion

Your circlip stuff is cool but I like even points of failure


+1, would be absolutely down to pick up some straight cuts around the higher ratio. I would like to use motors that dont have the circlip groove but I dont trust retaining compound.

I use Loctite 648 only without any key with 80100 motors and got no issue. Yet they have 12 mm axles what helps a lot.

Loctite 648 works good with 8 mm axles too at the condition axle is long enough and fitment with sprocket is good without too much play.


even w/ straight cuts? i thought lateral force was the enemy

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A 12mm shaft gives you so much more binding area than 8, it’s an unfair comparison

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Nah it works fine with straights.

It does work with 8 mm too. I’ve 5 e-mtbs builds with 8 mm motor axles and only Loctite 648 to attach the sprockets.

that sounds fine, sprockets and helical gears arent comparable. I’ve had pullies stick with just retaining compound too. I have not had helical gears stay successfully for more than like 1000km

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Oh yeah axial thrust in helical gears adds a problem I didn’t thought about that. 1000 km is not that bad anyway.

It’s pretty bad if it strands me in the woods and/or destroys my geardrive casing.


My M1 helicals are going strong on 8 mm motor shaft with only loctite 2 yrs , Hunderds of miles 600- 700 and out lasted a focbox, dv6 and stormcore and 2 motors but on a thane build.

Two loose m1-at helicals and loose moon drive metal helicals over 2000 miles for me. Doubt it’s user error as boardnamics assembled my second m1 helical.