Apex Boards - UK Storefront

I dont think Jack was talking preference, I think he was talking about the induction caused by long battery cables and the problems that can cause with your ESC, where long motor cables dont have that problem. There was a thread about it on here a while ago if anyone is interested.


Link to it please, I’d like to know more about it.

Lee, anymore information on the mod you are describing? I would be interested in this as well if I could fit my phase and sensor cables underneath

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Oh yeah I’m aware, it’s never been much of an issue for me personally though, which makes me prefer to run power as its just less fucker with sensor wires etc.

@kilow just making the gaps for running the cables wider, I think from memory they are 12mm wide and 4mm in Z, I can easily increase that so that you can run the phase and sensor wires. I’ll redraw a second version and if all good list it tomorrow


Fully agree. I chose to run the motor phase and sensor wires under the grip on my eMTB, and it was a massive pain in the ass. Your bro shock pads look excellent. I have been meaning to print up something like those for a while, but haven’t got around to it.

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This thread has a ton of good discussion about the topic. Like Lee said though, for something as small as an eMTB I dont think that it’s too much of an issue. Especially if you are using a quality ESC that has a proper amount of capacitors.


Yup, this is why I didn’t say anything when Lee mentioned his preference. Sensors are a pain. He’s right.


So as you guys might have realised from the pictures, we built 5 complete electric boards. We are calling them prototypes but of course they are made up of all the parts that we have been making and the best of what’s available so everything is well tested. It’s more of an exercise for us - how long does it take us to build completes? Are we capable of the logistics involved? Are we able to support customers that don’t come from our DIY world? All that good stuff.

In the run up to making these boards we had enquiries and we presold 4 out of the 5 boards, today we got the listing sorted on the website and sold the remaining one in 1 hour!

Selling these 5 boards has been an incredible journey for us and we are of course super proud and emboldened. Anyways, we are of course super happy that 3 of the 5 have gone to youtubers so we will drop their videos as they come out in here, heres the first one!


Nice little review of one in the wild. :+1: Looks beautiful.


Wow you can tell he lives like the town over from @Lee_Wright the accent is identical

Just like your Texans and Canadians sound the same to us I guess? :rofl:


The boards look really clean, love the shockpads! Well done guys. Hope I can try one some day :smiley:


I really like that board. I like almost everything on that board.
Guys that know me better, know this rarely happens.
Bravo gents.


Killer development. And whichever one of you is doing all the writing is doing an excellent job.


Loool, he’s from an entirely different country bro :grin:

@taz wow high praise, not even triggered one bit?

@BillGordon it’s (for me) an incredible journey and I feel like it should be shared! I do 90% of the writing and marketing as well as the website and order fulfillment, Q does 90% of the design stuff and Ben does 90% of the heavy lifting, battery packs, dealing with factories and organising logistics. It’s a good team and we work well.


Don’t push it Lee.
I have a problem for every one of your solutions :wink:




I would like to see a better esc xinith is a good base but I still see it as a budget option compared to the rest with is a ultra high spec and quality.

Lots happening with esc and remotes these days so hopefully ee see what thay might come up with


I think for most people the xenith is perfect. Apart from the stupid switch failure (which has apparently been rectified) its a pretty sweet little unit.


The Xenith is a beast of an ESC, especially when its clamped to a heat sink like ours. 80A per motor is plenty enough for an eMTB. Sure, we could put something over spec on there, but then the retail price goes up.