Anyone doing ESC repair?

Hi everyone,

I can really use some help! Like a dummy I tried to connect a FSESC 6.6 single and a TB 4.12 together on VESC Tool for a build. Nothing fried but now the hardware on my 6.6 is stuck at “410.” I can’t get the hardware version back to “60.” I have an ST link V2 but only have a Mac and suck with computers.

Is there anyone out there who I can pay to help me fix this? I’d really appreciate it!



If you are on a MAC you could use the TB 4.12 connected to your mac as an SWD programmer to flash the 60 firmware on the FSESC 6.6


Generally, more useful embedded software tools are available for folks who aren’t using an apple branded computer.

You can fix this by manually uploading the correct file. You can find some here.

If you download the correct .bin file and then upload it directly, it will bypass the thing which is blocking you from doing that. You may need to upload the bootloader first.

Do NOT do motor detection or try to spin the motor when the wrong firmware is installed, or you can do physical damage to your ESC.


@jaykup & @b264 ,

Thanks a lot! Your help is very much appreciated.

I bought this from a forum member and want to put it to good use. I’ll try the methods you guys suggested and hopefully it’ll work out. Especially with the price of ESC’s these days. I don’t want to give up!

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