AnkerMake M5 Info & Discussion (SRO)

Yuh. Love anker. They tend to make good stuff some of the best cheap wireless earbuds I’ve ever used!
But the price for what you’re actually getting is meh. The proof will be in the pudding, but the extruder looks kinda hinky, likely not all metal hotend, proprietary OS/slicer (not sure if you can use others) makes me a bit hesitant.
Take all that with a grain of salt, I am a Prusa fanboi…

Need that core xy for the speedz. I’m also considering a voron or a rat rig…. So niiiiiiccceee


Shit I got fooled


I’m building one at the moment :ok_hand:

Also this M5 looks pretty average. I guess it would be great if you are just printing PLA doodads but a unenclosed bed slinger isnt something that interests me at all


Very jealous! I actually printed most of the parts for one but since the prusa has been announced I’m debating that or the voron. I would go for the 350mm 2.4 but from what I’ve heard it can be quite finicky at 350mm. If the prusa is solid I’ll probably end up going for that.


I’m building a 350 and I believe voron are all janky. It’s one of those sorts of printers where it’s not advisable to have it as your only machine. It’s one of the things that I want to see actually, I’m taking my time to build it right so I want to see if it can be reliable or not


Uncle jessy reports:


And i’m here printing at 35-40mm/s lol

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this looks fun

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I only skimmed through the video but 250mm/sec sounds ambitious. It didn’t look overly fast to me during those batman prints… I would have guessed 100mm/sec so I’m sure the acceleration is limiting a lot.

Interesting claims nonetheless!


Ya. It’s a duel z Cartesian. Probs consistent quality up to 100 m/s for pla. Nothing groundbreaking there. But it does look really clean. I really want to know more about what hardware they’re using for heating/extrusion.
For the actual production unit.

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I gotta admit it does look quite polished for a 3d printer. I expected it to be more expensive with that finish.


Anker DOES make nice things. Hopefully that trend continues.


Haven’t watched it yet.

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