An Evasive icon: The ESCape

That is garbage and you know it. He showed a profit but that was not the focus. He enjoyed the work. Your threats and constant harassment took the fun out of it.

You can make excuses all day long, it doesn’t change anything.

If you are going to treat people like crap, at least own it. Your lies are not doing you any favors.


Sorry, Stewii made some batches and then he stopped. As far as I know he shared the files with someone else who also made them. This guy also stopped after a while as far as I know. People shift heir interests and look for new stuff appearing on the horizon. .

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To my knowledge which is probably a bit better than yours he never shared the files. He sold PCBs to Bimmer .


to be fair, making a small batch or two is fun.
making 100 is work


@Trampa are you willing to share anymore information on these “design rights” obtained on VESC6?

Assuming these are your statements, it presents like you are using the shape & color of an ESC as a claim towards this “protected design”. It’s actually a bit unclear as to what is being said is protected vs not.

Now with all that said, it does come across as though you were trying to discourage/“warn” him of this ambiguously protected design.

Care to expand?


High hopes you have


You get it automatically in Europe for 3 years after publishing the design. If you are clever you publish your designs in B/W and without specific logos etc. You can also publish graphics with lines only.

Because of these regulations it is wise to stay clear of freshly published designs in Europe. You never know what has been published and where it was published. I usually publish my designs in a certain way. On some stuff I put registered designs, on others I go for community_designs.

I informed Stewii that I obtained community designs for the VESC 6.


I don’t think you would win with that in court in this case. Someone will check you eventually.
Don’t have time to look for it but I’m quite sure there were ESCs with similar design before your V6.


Pretty sure not. exact same cable positions, exact same connector positions, form factor same etc…


VESC 5 looked like that. And soon after foxbox looked like that.

VESC 5 was a PCB, Focbox looked totally different.


:rofl: every car manufacturer should kill each other :rofl:


Yeah, this looks kinda identical.


That is one of the published designs.

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Oh jeez


Y’all keep saying identical and exact, do you understand what those words mean. Ill give you the designs are close, but it doesn’t meet the criteria for identical and exact. Specifically not in a court of law.


This is kind of middle version. First one has white pcb cover and last has black anodized housing (so both different). Frank suggested that Focbox is example of making things different which was directed to doing injection mold plastic cover. That was obvious thing that stewii couldn’t afford. So he did it purely because it’s cost effective not because some super Trampa design. ESCape was based on BV schematics so it was similar. @Trampa what about logo and name? Do you really think people are so stupid to think it’s your ESC?


From that wiki, “Where a design forms part of a more complex product, the novelty and individual character of the design are judged on the part of the design which is visible during normal use”

I think being an ESC and not a metal box, it would count as a “more complex product” and with that, there isn’t really anything “novel” about the part of the design that is visible during normal use looking like are square box with wires sticking out.

And the connector positions are derived from the most logical and efficient layout of the PCB, making them common to most single motor ESCs out there. So that also wouldn’t be novel.


That’s my point, similar is not identical and exact. Rhetoric.


language designed to have a persuasive or impressive effect on its audience, but often regarded as lacking in sincerity or meaningful content.
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White with black case

Schematics do not show a design. You can make 1000 differnet ESCs from the same schematic.
If you would not know the VESC6 design, chances that you end up with the same design are ZERO.
Simply putting on your branding is not making things better. Try to clone a eg. Apple product and come up with that argument.