An Evasive icon: The ESCape

I do the same, I think most builders follow that philosophy.

I wanted some spring channel trucks awhile back to try modding the axles to 8mm, for science you know.

I bought some new in the box Trampa Infinity trucks. The quality is it good, not precision trucks good. Next to Kaly v trucks they are hot garbage, but most everything is.

My point is that I didn’t give Trampa any money, I bought them from someone else,. That helped them get out of a product they didn’t want and satisfied my curiosity about a project… Win win.


then thats easy for me, same as i use a hackintosh instead of a real mac, i will get any other board instead of a trampa :thinking:


I’d do the same, at the beginning the only gear drives were designed for their Trucks but now we have the choice. Exciting times.


That’s what I have done. Moving on.


I’m still Sitting here trying to fathom how someone thinks they have a design right over a box


I’m not a fan of Apple, like at all, but I’ll stick with your example.

The problem is that Apple is a multi-billion dollar company, Trampa is essentially a garage run 3 man shop. With Apple there is a responsibility to share holders to make sure IP is protected, with Trampa there’s one guy lieing and strong arming other small shops and individuals out of business.

Not a great comparison and zero justification for Frank’s behavior.


Especially since it started with trademark to the name VESC then it became the shape color and holes are protected now. I’d like to see this kind of argument hold trying to enforce that in China.


trampa evul, me no buy


This popped in my youtube feed. Easy to see why their products are priced at a premium and why they protect their IP. There is like 250k+ worth of stock in that warehouse at retail value.

Good to see a proper business being run we can rely on. Tired of fly by night vendors stealing thousands from forum members.


It’s the out right bullying and threats of Cort action in the name of protecting BV and helping the VESC project sent behind the screen. With the true intention of minimising Trampa competition In particular when I see it harming the VESC project the way it’s been done. Followed by out right lies to attempt to cover it up. This is not a one of as you can see above it’s in fact a repeated patten.

Demands to otheres to pay in to the project but refusal to be open to the extent of what trampa are contributing

It is a underhand taticks other company’s use in retail sector that dose work in scaring people off even when it’s not going to stand up in court because of a lack of knolage of the Persian/company been threatened

By bring this out in the open makes people have informed choices

PS I have contributed in to the VESC project by choise. But this constant threats of court action will on turn people and progress away from it


the world isnt only black and white - there is things in between you know ?

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But I paid for them, now they’re mine !!! Hahaha


Yep my friend, I got them for this incoming first mtb build ! Next Spring I hope but I don’t have any time to build… And I need a deck anyway, Haero Bro one :wink:


With all that you’d think they don’t need to be dicks and bully diy dudes trying contribute to the hobby and make a living. Hell, their products and customer service already speak for themselves, fanboy(s?) already raise to defend them.


At the end of the day, money is money… a business always wants more… I don’t see any big companies being nice in doing business with other people. I’m afraid that’s how the world works, and if you don’t fight hard enough you just get abandoned or eaten by others.
I’m not trying to justify their actions to be right or wrong, that’s a whole other debate.

Ps: this topic is going sooo much off topic.

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Trampa as a business = Fucking awesome. I love their business model and understand why they aren’t going anywhere but up.

Trampa as and OS Defender = Fuck that shit. The way everything’s gone about is not only going to piss customers off, it looks like bullying (something that isn’t looked away from these days). As a company they need someone that can defend their their trademark without offending or spewing the same garbage over and over. We’ve already dealt with enough of that with Enertion. Trampa is very far from Enertion tho.


I agree they could be more involved in the community. Never get any black friday discounts. No group buys for us. Not much posting on the forum.

But if the only complaints we hear about them is that the website is shit to navigate and frank is a bit of a dick, I will gladly take that over crossing my fingers hoping I get my product delivered at some point in the next 6 months.


At the end of the day honor, kindness and ingenuity count for far more than money. That applies to both businesses and people.


I somewhat agree, they are one of the rare DIY and high value boards (not mass produced) to have stocks.
Most of the shops out there are into the model of pre ordering things.


@Trampa Never done that