airless flash wheels

Hello community, hoping you are well, I would like to know if anyone has any opinion, reference or experience about airless flash wheels? since I have seen them and find them interesting. If someone could help me, they would be grateful.

Greetings from Chile


I’m repeating myself here, but those are (probably) great wheels if you’re looking for comfort and don’t care about loosing a great part of your battery range.
I say “probably” because I’ve never tried those specific wheels, but they are made of rubber and rubber is known for killing range badly.
So If you have a huge battery, go for it :slight_smile:


For the price ($140 discounted) I think @TheGoodMomentum has him done in, with modularity too!


Aparentemente son comodas. Pero debes entender que en su gran mayoria, las ruedas hechas en caucho como estas, son muy pesadas. Entre mas diametro posean, mas caucho tendran (sin importar mucho cuantos orificios tengan para realizar el efecto ‘airless’).

Estas ruedas en particular, Airless 120mm de Flash, lucen bastante pesadas, y al serlo, no poseen tanto rebote como las ruedas de uretano; de hecho ya las han pesado y son mas pesadas que otra clase de ruedas de similares dimensiones como la Cloud Wheel de 120mm de iWonder; o la Blue Ice 110mm de Torqueboards.

Una ultima y vital caracteristica negativa de este tipo de ruedas en caucho es que reducen ostensiblemente el alcance (la distancia maxima alcanzable) de la tabla electrica. El caucho es bastante reconocido por reducir el alcance de las tablas electricas de forma dramatica debido al arrastre que generan por la friction con el pavimento. Una regla basica del caucho en la ruedas, es que contribuye mucho a reducir el alcance de los vehiculos electricos.


They are really promising, but this modularity scares me a bit. The gap between the two parts looks like a weakness. Really hope I’m wrong


I know its been a long time since that post but aren’t those 70a PU rather than rubber?

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Well I supposed it was rubber, but may be wrong
Does 70a PU even exists?
Anybody have them?


i have a set…the bearing set needs to be sanded and the kegel holes needed to be enlarged.

Rides well, but very heavy.