Acrylic enclosure?


Question: is the acrylic (plexi) enough durable for the enclosure? I thinking over my DIY enclosure options and I’ve found this beauty:
It’s exactly the right size (length/width), I would just need to construct some 3 cm raiser on the edges to get 47 mm nice case.

What do you think?

Hmm well the main material property issue with acrylic is that it tends to crack easily

If you find a good way to join it all together without creating stress concentrations, and use the right thickness, it could be quite cool.


Use polycarbonate (name brand is Lexan), way more durable


True Lexan is great stuff - I still think it could have issues with bolt holes but thickness and design make a big difference

We used to use lexan on our robots back when I did FRC

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I agree with @ShutterShock and @ZachTetra, acrylic is much too brittle. Polycarbonate is a much better choice but still might need a verrrry thick wall to not crack at bolt holes and other stress-concentrating locations.


Yeah something meme worthy like 0.3125 in+

It could be cool, but it would be heavy.

I could see something interesting like 3d printed walls, with an acrylic bottom plate, bolted all the way around

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I don’t know what any of these stats mean, I just like to throw weird materials into the ring.

Transparent aluminum

wait what :fearful: transparent? :anguished: how? :frowning_face_with_open_mouth:

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Al oxynitride (ALON is a brand name) is incredible but I bet it’s a couple hundred dollars per cubic inch. :slightly_smiling_face:


Wizardry or alchemy, I think.

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It’s a transparent ceramic with about a 1/3 aluminum content….hard as hell, great for armor and crazy durable windows (for sensors, etc). Used instead of sapphire windows in some applications.


As far as realistic options, polycarbonate, a simple sheet of it, with loooong bolt holes that run all the way through the height of the enclosure, could work.

I thought it was a star trek joke…


feels like its specific design on certain application, not for general public use :thinking:


Spaceship windows are the only use I know of off hand. Lots of cool materials in that field. Haven’t got a clue what we’d use it for in a board, but check out aerogel, if you haven’t seen it. Mind boggling.


oh i know about that, lightest known material or something. the sound it makes when dropped is the real mind boggling part :joy:

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The whole “it can rest on a flame” thing is what gets me.
Personally, Ive been wondering about a very thin, 3 layer enclosure. Steel, sandwiched in fibreglass or perhaps a plastic or very durable rubber.

You can coat an egg in it, blowtorch the egg, and then crack it open, and it won’t be cooked.


Brb potting my enclosure in aerogel


not only heat resistant, its also strong but brittle at the same time, u can break it using ur hand, but it can also hold up hundred to thousand times of its weight. u’d think there is no way it can survive any impact, but it can stop a 9mm going through with a thickness of only 10mm