Acedeck Skateboards, and a Hypertruck-like truck?


I might disagree somewhat. Who knows if its a shittier version. I wouldn’t jump to those conclusions just yet. I will say this, engineering plays a lot into a system like this. But even more importantly, is the manufacturing and QC of these parts. I bet 97% of Esk8 parts are being made in China. :smiling_face_with_tear: What matters in the end, is the company receiving these “goods” (provided they have engineered their parts well), does proper QC when they receive them.
I highly doubt this piece of SHIT company has done that.


I agree with you that I can’t for sure say it is a shittier version, but from what I’ve seen it looks like lacroix puts enormous R&d efforts into their products, which I highly doubt the chinese copy cats go to the effort of doing.


I may be incorrect, but I’d bet the Hypertrucks are machined in china.


Nothing wrong with Chinese manufacturing as a whole - they make plenty of super high end goods and have exponentially more shops running than the states.

The problem is completely in the quality level. Quality costs money of course. And the flood of parts we see are overwhelming budget tier.


As an owner of falcon gear drive I can guarantee you they did not put much R&D into them.



They are incredibly bulky. You pretty much lose any and all ground clearance. Because of the bulk you need wider axels than the standarded 131mm axels on hypertrucks. I could be wrong but honestly that seems like lazy engineering vs shrinking the gear drive itself to just fit the standard axel length. So instead of taking the time to refine the drive to the correct size they just extended the axels. It feels like an after thought.

Exposed bairing on V1 version. Meaning any sort of road debry or dust gets sucked right in and pretty much wrecks the bearing in relitivly quick time. That bearing is just held in with locktight so they break loose constantly. Need to change a tire? Enjoy taking basically the entire gear drive apart because when you take the screws attaching the wheel to the pom gear out you pull that big bearing out thats only held with locktight. So you need to relocktight the bearing in.

They solve this in the V2 version by just removing the bearing and putting in a gasket style seal. Thats kinda my point. Like very simple silly things would have been solved or noticed by any amount of testing really.
Honestly its just a ton stupid little things. Clearly serviceability and reliability of the RnD seemed to have been skipped.


It’s got a BMW M Sport logo on it though, how could it be poorly engineered?


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

The issue is, as soon as you make a top mounted battery in any other shape than a cube, most of the time it will mean that you’ll be wasting space. It’s okay for bottom mounted battery, because you don’t have two massive feet to place on the deck, and the space is limited as is.

I’m not saying they couldn’t look better, with slopped sides, but unless you make it taller to make up for it, that means either a smaller battery, or less foot room.

TBH I think acedeck did a pretty decent job with this battery box, it’s not a perfect cube that you might see when looking at the top view.

@Venom121212 s concept is nice, but having a slightly wider but much shorter box to place the same amount or more cells seems worth the trade-off.

Also is it me or is the box slanted forward?

It really doesn’t. There’s a much bigger brand that comes to mind when it comes to the inspiration here…

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I ment that its a rip off board like how ecomobl always rips off other brands.


Pelican over square box any day


A pelican box looks better as well, like some luggage on a safari buggy. It looks purposeful.

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pelican is ok, there are better looking ones

sorry i can’t show more than this, they are unobtainium rn


You madman! I own a icarus flex 2 on Paris trucks (non electric). I wouldnt even think about going fast on this one.





Aye aye! :smiley:

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