Made a 12s3p P42A pack this week for a loaded vanguard build
Is this because there’s usually a lot less stress on the wires immediately coming off of the connector? Or just convenience of not having to insulate it afterwards?
I did this with my first pack. It hurt my brain a little figuring out the order, but felt it was worth it.
I tape little flags to the end stating p#
And it just looks better
Don’t forget to put a layer of fishpaper on that outside edge, especially since it’s right up against carbon - no, it “probably” won’t abrade through, or even be conductive, but I wouldn’t want to risk it either.
Nice routing
Thanks! Good call. I’ll be sure to add some.
If that’s an evolve cgt, it is very much conductive and doesn’t take much to get through the resin layer.
Ah - okay, I haven’t had much experience besides probing out the inside of a lonestar enclosure that shoed almost 0 conductivity