44 Demonseed aka “DemonSpeed”

dope I will do that, thank you so much. Now I wont have to wait half a year for red ember lol

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I just hope it’s still nimble, have you gotten to ride it yet ?

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yeah I did some slight testing with the stooges adjustability it is still very possible to make them turny.

you gotta remember he runs similar if not longer WB on his raceboards short and long track

yeah the noses of the boards they use must be really long as well

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After thinking about all this I think the landachtz Evo might be the best option


thats what I had my stooge’s on at first :+1:

I just didn’t like the evo that much (sacrilege I know)


No wheel bite ?

You’re not alone dude. We need to have a badge here for the Evo Haters so i know where my fam at


Risers aren’t that bad, you get used to them quick and they melt away.

Obviously I’d prefer them minimized or gone, but they’re definitely not the arch enemy or anything as they’re frequently made out to be

Arch enemy is water ingress


No sir! Edit- thought about it more I lied, I think there was wheel bite on the back on the turniest setting. But I ran them in the middle or top on the rear so didn’t have probs. It was a long time ago.

Anti-Evo gang? I’ve needed a title for years haha

Water ingress is the mind killer


i dont like the evo either
feels weird and the shape is horrible

also @brently i got a similar issue with wheelbite (actually motor bite) and i wanna lengthen my wheelbase too in order to remove the issue
would you be willing to share the file you used and also how thick does the plate have to be? (edit: found the file above)
lastly is it safe to use at speed (just making sure as i dont wanna die)

thanks a ton man

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You should be fine if you use them like I did(at least 6mm thick total), you need the aerospace grade carbon too. The regular stuff they stock is too flimsy.

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wow bit more expensive then i expected ($50 for a 3mm piece) and sounds cool
may go down that route if necessary

Do you still have the Evo, I would buy. And yeah would prob go turny high degree front low back

AEROSPACE grade lol - they were cheaper than that tho, when you actually upload the file. I think I got all 4 of them for just over $100 when I bought them.

Na sold it awhile ago

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sounds i lot cheaper
i plugged it in and i know its aerospace but 200$ for 4 spacers seemed like a lot

are there any other materials that would work? as it would be nicer to get them produced here in the uk

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yes I think some thick stainless would have close to the same rigidity - wouldn’t rebound if you manage to bend it and will be significantly heavier like 3X heavier I think

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weight isnt an issue

i more care about strength and how it holds up long term

how thick steel would you need?

@jack.luis - how thick did yo make your cyboard extenders?


I did 1/4in thick lol