3D Printing Discussions, Questions and Debugging

Went to go fire off some PETG and it sounded like frying bacon while doing an initial purge :rofl: Took it out and put it on my filament drier. Should hopefully help


Filament drier worked well it seemed. Printed some shredlight mounts for my metal matrix trucks. Prints were a little stringy but cleaned up easily enough. Printed 1 to test it and ended up having to modify the file to work with my SL300 lights (the light was bottoming out inside the mount before it clicked into place). I squared off the back end of the mount and kept it open so it couldn’t bottom out. Got some M8x25 screws and they work great.

Here’s the file if anyone cares. I printed them vertically with the flat back end on the build plate. Used tree supports.


Lots of fun
My printer is printing absolutely beautifully
Then my bro came along and decided it was a good idea to trip over it
Luckily the only damage is that the screen is no longer responding
Is it worth to just get a replacement screen or to upgrade to a better screen / interface while I’m at it?

Sidewinder x1

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Why is your printer on the ground, in a place where people can trip over it?


Wanted something easy to take my 5/8” axle nuts off my 12mm matrix 2 trucks and didn’t want to have to carry a socket or wrench with me. I always have a run of the mill skate tool so I made an adapter socket that fits in the 1/2” hex on the skate tool but fits the 5/8” axle nut :ok_hand:t2:

(Don’t mind the not so perfect PETG print)


That‘s so smart! I bought funny imperial tools just for this one nut… care to share the file?


Sure, I’ll post it up on Thingiverse in a minute and post the link here. I did another in PLA this morning (still had some leftover black PETG in the nozzle so have a dirty first layer :sweat_smile:)

(Quick and dirty 0.28 layer height with 0.6 nozzle ^^) I printed it with the smaller side on the bottom with a brim, no supports.

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Here you go @luastoned


She’d is being redone so in the meantime is kept in our loft

Post it on Printables.com too! Thingiverse is a ghost ship at this point.
Printables has a thingiverse migration tool that will automatically scrape images, files and descriptions - it’s super easy.


Will do! I’ve only been 3D printing for a couple months so I haven’t really branched out real far in terms of finding STL’s. I’ll check that one out!

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Printables doesn’t have the sheer number of models that Thingiverse has just because it’s a newer platform, but their search function is much better. It’s owned/run by Prusa Research.

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Thanks for the tip :+1:

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I printed these for funsies and I can’t stop fiddeling it around, such a cool (and useless) concept. :smiley:

It’s 3D printable armor from NASA. xD


That looks really fun! And equally pointless!!

File online?


It is! :smiley:


Be warned though, my slicer took a good 10 minutes to slice this, and my processor is on the stronger side. :smiley: Depending on what you use, make yourself a coffee after you hit slice. :smiley: This is for the bigger versions, the smaller will take less.


Just started some prints in TPU today. Pretty cool material - I was kind of dreading it because I didn’t know what issues I’d be fighting but ran a quick temp tower, read a few suggestions online for speed and away we went. Printed a 6” low poly fox model for my son and some rubber feet for the printer itself. Very easy and came out pretty cool! Digging this stuff so far.


If it just wasn’t so expensive…

Yeah, that’s the downside really. I bought a random spool of Overture TPU for $29 I believe.

Also ran off a quick and dirty Hoyt puck shell today to feel the form factor in hand. I haven’t used one before and I’m trying to decide on a remote for my build. I gutted all the inside hardware posts etc so it’s just an empty shell. Not a bad feel though, I kinda dig it.