you’re gonna have to prove that @Evwan isnt my alt account for that
I’ve also been blamed for being your alt account, but apparently, I’m also professor shartsis
as i nominated myself i ain’t voting for myself, that’s playing dirty
altho peeps should vote for the biggest baddest eMTB that has ever graced the shores of England
vote Project-Iron Giant
Is lobbying allowed? After finishing my latest build I have about $3.50+boba left which I’m prepared to distribute among my loyal voters.
(Shipping not included)
Shameless plug and bump:
Last day (half day) to vote bitches! Seriously had a hard time voting. If you’re also on the fence please consider bribery. Many boba to be had here if you play your cards right. And look only one short board in the whole mix? Wouldn’t it be awesome to see a short board win? Crazy time to be alive.
I’ll have to also shamelessly plug myself.
I’ll even give all of you a free internet high five.
Yea it might just be a photo of my hand, but its the thought that counts right?
Vote for Crab Raccon to take a stand against internet censorship
Just want to wish everyone good luck this year! The way i look at it, we are all winners for being nominated!
Best of luck BOTY 2024 contenders.
Also want to throw out a huge thank you to @Shadowfax for doing this again, also HUGE thanks to the vendors for supporting the winners! You guys make this hobby fun!
Get those votes in if you haven’t already done so.
Voting closes in 10 hours!
i think i can bring crab raccoon back for next year. no promises
Congrats everyone!!! So stoked Duality took the title!!
A well earned BOTY to SoFlo, and a well earned BOTY-runner-up to SoFlo’s buddy with the welder
@Pecos @Dnollie @Soulsled @Soulsled
Thanks for the love
Stoked to be building and riding
Banana Board is loved dearly
Shoutout @Shadowfax for putting this on, Made the start to my 2025 more exciting
And Shoutout the Community
Oh fuck yea!!!
You guys are the best!!!
Thank you everyone that voted for Duality!
I cannot belive it won!!!
I put a lot of thought into this, bounced a lot of ideas off some of you guys during the build and tuning process.
I know a few of you would like to ride it, I’ll be bringing it to Stokebird in Miami next month.
It would be badass to meetup and ride with you guys!
Here is a link to Stokebird, its a huge PEV gathering 400+ people. Where we take over and Mob big group rides all over Miami and Miami Beach. It’s a really cool event that’s based on hanging out, riding, and partying.
Would love to see you guys there!
Dang guys SKP Solos in both 1st and 2nd boty winners LETS GOOOO!! Congrats everyone and @Shadowfax thank you for putting this together!
Anything for 16th place?
at least 3 of my votes were running solos, as is my current build lol.
Oh shit, so sorry I missed the voting deadline. Was planning to finish reading all the threads, but got super busy with work this week.
Congrats to everyone!
I agree Duality is the coolest thing ever!