2019 time to reflect / 2020 forecast

Haha. That’s actually what I thought about on my way home… I mean it’s a good idea if you don’t fall :sweat_smile: but when you fall it’s gonna go too much wrong… Think I’d prefer not to be strapped then :crazy_face:

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First full year with my sweet, amazing, beautiful, super high maintenance 1 yay old baby girl, and almost no spare time to build or ride. But I did get a baby trailer set up so I can take her on rides with me more often.

Try to find more time to build and ride, and stop spending money until I’ve finished builds the ridiculous amount of parts I have accumulated.

Learn to meditate and explore the unknown art of lucid building, so all that wasted time sleeping can be put to use building awesome shit!


I heard meth helps you stay alert.


just what I mostly do this year :sweat_smile::joy:


You got my attention here

just sell the lot of those. Send me a list I will post them for you.


Found some videos. Not good ones though…

I don’t feel like this video shows how well you’re actually able to ride tracks on an EUC. Faaaar away… BUT, its a video. It basically just shows me being a noob lol. Hope you get the point though :laughing:

This was also just a bit of a crappy video. It’s a video though :man_shrugging:

Just wanted to show something…


Wait, only one out of all your decks is an electric DIY?

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I have 3 electrics, the evolve that I gutted and rebuilt from the ground up, a craptor, and an exway.

I used to own a Baja G4X but sold it because I was sick of repairing it and I needed cash to fix my car.

But yes, the vast majority of my collection are push boards, they are far more reliable :rofl:


Simplicity is king.

Well, I am quickly catching up with your collection :upside_down_face:


Join me in the top tier and be sure to post pictures of your rack/s :rofl:

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  • did a fuckload of evolve mods
  • did a bunch of bioboards
  • did a handful of full customs (more on that drama in a minute)
  • did several arcboard warranty repairs and upgrades
  • watched this community grow like a motherfucker, thanks to all of you
  • got some crazy fools to write a bunch of great articles and i love them for it
  • went to colorado and had a blast
  • still had a day job


  • I’m done with evolve mods. They kept me behind on everything, they just wouldn’t stop coming long enough for me to finish anything on time and people fuck them up doing stupid shit like putting BECs on thier charge port wires and blame my battery when it discharges all the way down to 1.8 volts, for example.

  • I’m done with full customs. I enjoy doing them, but from now on i’m only doing them for myself. The customers are such a mixed bag and the combinations of parts in some builds just don’t work out in the long run. Most people get their board and ride the shit out of it and i never hear from them again. Then some people have an issue or two and its resolved quickly and i never hear from them again. then one or two people keep breaking their shit doing god knows what (pretty sure its all stuff i told them not to when asked) until i’m upside down on their builds trying to keep them running and then they turn around and ask for a refund, wrecking the whole fucking year and making it all pointless. Every fucking year its the same thing. I honestly don’t know why I’ve kept trying, its the stupidest business model ever. “blah blah but your the only one doing it blah blah keep trying blah blah that’s your whole brand blah blah” no. Fuck ya’ll, i’m done.

  • hopefully a fuckload of streamlined final assembly work for Bioboards that takes minutes instead of hours

  • hopefully a fuckload of streamlined assembly work for ArcBoards that also takes minutes instead of hours

  • hopefully a fuckload of streamlined assembly work for my own non-custom, don’t ask for anything special because i’m not fucking doing it unless its just paint reasonably priced high performance boards on big thane using new, custom parts we will have literally put 1000 miles on during prototype testing.

  • more writing and videos because that’s why i built this fucking news site in the first place and then i didn’t have time to do it because i had a day job, evolve mods, customs, work for other skate companies, and a-la-carte projects like big batteries.

  • no more day job, just esk8 stuff for a living, i’m fucking sick of sitting at a desk all day hammering a keyboard

  • waaaaay more time with my kids and family, every time i look up from my fucking bench Simon is three inches taller and i’ve missed out on it.

  • going to more events, more group rides

  • getting Simon on an esk8


Fuck yeah. To everything mentioned. Damon is back


True og


Our lord and savior has spoken. Spread the gospel.

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going to keep doing them because shits held up over corona virus

going to keep doing them because shits held up over corona virus

going to let them keep doing me because shits held up over corona virus


New task for @longhairedboy

Cure coronavirus


How’s everyone’s 2020 goals looking so far?


Waiting on the kickarse deck/enclosure combo you’ve been working on for me Glyphiks :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:, so I can complete the upgrade on my 4WD direct drive board.
Also waiting on my first VESC based ESC (Maker X) to play around with on my DIY Meepo Hub carver board. Once i get my head around how it works I’ll be upgradiing the ESCs on my 4wd board :blush:.

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still waiting for Dex to ship out my TB40 and other stuffsss, so i can start working on something


i’m pretty much on schedule!!!

how’s about you’ze?

I gotta a lotta shit in my head… but now it’s starting to roll into real parts… If I can just get them all rolling a bit faster, inertia and motion will take effect and I can sit back and be a lazy sk8-stoner again…