Looks for me like for one if I compare the other listed parts to there original price, but who knows.
Next question would be if the silicon cases are included as well?
Hi everyone. I’m trying to getting into DIY building electric skateboards. I have an electric skateboard myself that I purchased from Longhaired boy who retired from the market. I live in Houston, I’m looking for someone to teach me the basics. An apprenticeship would be phoenomenal if you live in the Houston area, just name me your price per class session lol.
You can start with this for a big ol list of basics
Then maybe check out some build threads in the DIY Builds category, some of them give great detail and you get to see what people are thinking when they pick certain parts or build things a particular way. It’ll also probably bring up some individual things you want to search, then use the search function to find threads about those. If someone mentions gear drives and you’re wondering what the big deal is go check out some threads on those, if they’re talking about battery amps and you don’t know what that is then search for ESC settings, whatever pops up