13s+ discussion

Imagine what’s possible with 2x of the 120100 motors direct driving a 6 inch wheel weighted top speed is 145KM/h.
50Kw board.


Wonder if these higher voltages would make hub motors a more viable option, they are usually a little low on power at their rated currents and have a low top speed. 20s could potentially fix both these things.


Ask @Deodand he ride raptor 2 on 20S


0 + 0 = 0

Sorry :grin:


15ma is what that use in difibs to start a heart. I was taught it’s 10ma is enough to freeze or paradise a muses.

A quick google search confirms this. I don’t know what text books your getting these numbers from.

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I’m really looking forward to real life unbiased reports of these new HV boards

In theory it doesn’t matter if you match everything up, lower Kv motors have higher resistance, so you have to run lower current through them, and if you adjust that and the gearing for the same top speed it should be two equivalent systems

Power wise, the battery is the limitation, it’s like the electric car discussion of people saying that 800 V is faster, charge faster and all that, while you save a bit on wiring, if you have the same number of cells the power input and output it is capable is exactly the same

That being said, sometimes there is some factors we didn’t foresee and it will be “better”

Plus the sound of the motors spinning considerably faster will certainly be awesome



excellent suggestion Q! i adjusted the topic to be a wiki so anyone can edit and added a few quotes already posted. i’ll clean up teh formatting this weekend.

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Given that most motors are in the 170 to 190kv range now, won’t introducing 20s sacrifice too much torque while increasing unnecessary top speed? The same goes for hubs and direct drives, considering most, if not all of them, are geared towards 10 to 12s systens.

Sure, we can gear for it, but the wheel gear/pulley has to get significantly larger for the same pinion. I’m not too well versed in hubs/direct drives, but is it possible/does it make it harder to achieve such a low KV to support 20s?


I really don’t see the application for ESK8. Bikes, go carts and motorcycles okay. But with the exception of speed records, nope.

  • ESK8 is limited on space. More series groups will mean people are cutting back on P grounds. You gonna replace a 12S5P battery with a 20S3P?
  • efficiency will theoretically improve at the bottom. But near the top, you’re just meeting huge wind resistance and your efficiency will stay in the toilet. So less capacity and a higher top speed that lets you eat through it faster.
  • how fast do you really want to go. None of the tires, wheels or other equipment have been tested or designed for 40+ mph speeds. Especially not sustained speeds

And yes, you’re entering dangerous voltage categories.
I dunno, this seems like we have an engine too powerful for any of the vehicles we own IMO. It’s cool that it exists, but I think it has very little application right now.

It’s also not going to create some ridiculous amount of power for things like hub motors. Stator size is a hardware specification that you can only push the limits of so far. Motors aren’t even rated for it. Hub motors? What board are you shoving 13-20S in to make some 90mm wheels do 35 mph? That’s silly and dangerous


I’m looking forward to see what works with 14s and up for eskates which can compare to your typical 12s builds.
Personally I’m happy to buy/try the 100d now and use it on my current 13s build to feel nice and comfortable braking on a fully charged battery.
Power and torque wise is already to my satisfaction on 13s and I don’t want to reach any higher speeds then 53kph which I’m geared for now.

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not only that, isn’t the concern that current vesc drv chips are limited to 100k erpm and at 12s battery + a 7 pole motor is already reaching that limit?

so then does Stormcore use a different drv chip or does it limit it through configuration?


There are esk8 sized outrunners in the 80-130kv range. A 100kv motor on 20s would be right around a 170kv motor on 12s with the same gearing.

Something I’ve wondered…why do we use 3:1 gear ratios with higher KV motors like 190kv rather than lower ratios (with smaller spur gears) with 100kv motors?

I guess we might lose a little acceleration/braking leverage like direct drives?

Arent lower KV motors susceptible to overheating?


My understanding is high kv motors require fewer turns which enables larger wire to be used. High kv motors would be used with more amperage and less voltage for a given wattage.

Low kv motors require more turns and thinner wire to achieve the turns in the same space as the high kv motor. This could be balanced by more voltage and less amperage to achieve a given wattage.

Maybe there is something inherent in low kv motors that is less efficient. On other hand, if a high kv setup was changed to a low kv motor and only gearing was adjusted for the same load, it would run way way hotter for the same wattage if the voltage and amperage remained the same as original high kv system.



Moron at work below. :smiley:

ERPM/PolePairs/cellV/S-count = motor KV

Depending on the voltage you choose you’ll get a range of safe KV values.

So, @16S


150KV would be a good option - a balance between speed and torque; runs most efficiently when the battery is at 80% of charge (3.6v).
170KV would be faster with less torque; runs more efficiently as the battery discharges (cools down)
130KV would be slower with more torque; runs less efficiently as battery discharges (heats up)


Good work. Did we ever determine what the magic erpm was of the newest edition of vesc 6? Or rather what Lacroix consider the magic erpm of this new stormtrooper box?

my guess is 100000, but better to be conservative rather than push the envelope.

@Blasto thoughts?

I dont think 100k is a limit


General safety guidelines for Sweden. Picked up from my time in uni. I’m an electrical engineer by trade. I’m not making shit up ^^


In the context of esk8, I’m not really sure what technical limitations higher voltage solves?
Can someone give me a real world scenario where a 12s system cannot achieve your design criteria?

@jeffwuneo v4/v6 ESC solves a real need for a quality reliable ESC at a reasonable cost.
@shaman solves a real need for a cheap DIY ESC.
What does high voltage solve? Is it just dick swinging hype? :sweat_smile:

Charge time has nothing to do with the battery config, it’s a function of individual cell chemistry. (provided you have enough charging power)