10s3p 30q, evolve full intermals [US]

@PixelatedPolyeurthan, I have one of those Evolve Lipos under my drawer (actually, now that I’m thinking…is kinda frigging bomb capable of burning down my entire building :roll_eyes::open_mouth:)

How much do you think is worth? Don’t know how many cycles left, but was giving less and less range everytime I rode. Chaneged for a new 10s5p from Pelican Bay. Now the bomb is in my drawer!

Think is worth smthng? or should I go @okp ?

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Not really lmao… I have one on my desk, hasn’t been charged in 6 months… I’m going to try and blow it up, I just need to find a chemist on the forum :sweat_smile::call_me_hand:


Thinking the same. Should be some interesting pirothecnics. :fire:

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@PixelatedPolyeurthan, by the way Bro, you know if anybody here or elsewhere in the other forums is offering an Evolve R2 remote I can buy from? I’m grounded atm with both main and backup Evolve remotes busted. US based here.

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aie no i don’t bro. I would check the evolve forums if you have the courage… it’s a tad better than the trampa website so you’ll make it :muscle:

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So @KaramQ sold the ESC, Remote, and i have a buyer for the bms who is Italiano and sent money to the wrong Paypal address and he made a big mozzarella mess so waiting on him


Always friggin italians


The funniest thing is i’ve had a ton of pm’s on the evolve forum like
‘’ my remote stopped working, i’ll buy the remote because evolve said fuck you’’
‘‘i’ll but the bms, my evolve just shorted’’

but the best pm i received was yesterday. It was a guy with a profile pic of his board and his Ferrari

‘‘tell me about it’’
:rofl: :rofl:

That’s a corvette lmaoooooo


whatevs :joy: an expensive car nonetheless was my point :laughing:

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@KaramQ you still have the internals? i’m interested in buying the esc and the bms please

Everything here has been sold. Plz close @mmaner