Hello, I’ll sell my 10s3p 30Q battery pack that I never used anyways.
So it’s like new.
I can ship inside whole EU!
Some specifications to the battery:
-Samsung 30Q cells
-10s charge only bestech bms
-99,97% nickel strips were used
-fishpaper for the isolation
-the positive terminals got fishpaper rings on them
-xt90 female as the discharge connector
Price: 189€
I forgot to make pictures from the inside, but I already tested it and everything seems to be perfect.
And sry, I’m a new user, so I can only post one picture
I would be interested tu upgrade my meepo V2 but I’m a bit worried about the “charge Only” part.
What shoul I add to make things safe and work with my ESC?
Sorry, still learning
I’m unsure what battery the Meepo uses (others can help with that), but “charge only” means that the battery’s BMS is meant only for charging the battery. This means your ESC needs to be responsible for turning itself off when the battery runs out, otherwise you can drain the battery past its limits, which can damage the cells. It also means the battery does not have its own on/off switch, so you need to have your own anti-spark or loop-key. So, you need to find out:
if the Meepo ESC can run off 42V
if the Meepo ESC is smart enough to not over-discharge your battery
if the Meepo comes with an anti-spark switch
If the Meepo already has a charge-only BMS for its battery, then the last 2 points are probably true
The picture looked familiar, but I couldn’t trace it back to @Therealesk8. But then I took a close look at the pictures, and yes, that is the same battery. You can tell by the look of the electrical tape on the negative wire where it goes into the XT90.
Main issue I see with this battery is that the parallel groups are connected in series just with nickel strips, which probably aren’t stacked to handle the current these cells can provide. Buyer be ware.