@Marsl187 this looks great. im just curious, why mount the motor so far out? if you have a 2 stage reduction you get a lot more flexibility for the motor to wheel distance, so why have the motor so far from the axle?
Not this again, do you really need someone to explain how power works one more time?
Higher KV motors are more efficient so a larger reduction allows the motor to be higer KV whilst giving the same speed at the wheel.
Think your mixed up here, 200kv motor is twice as fast as 100kv, and 1:3.5 give less reduction than 1:7 so output is faster. 200kv motor with 1:3.5 gearbox is 4 times as fast as a 100kv motor with 1:7 gearbox so not a far comparison to discus efficiency.
also seems to be mixed up.
A low Kv motor has more winds of thinner wire. A high Kv motor has fewer winds of thicker wire. the thicker wire means lower resistance and therefore less heat generated and less copper losses.