WTS USA. 12s5p psychotiller battery, foc box’s, superfly and more!

going to FL??? is a certain long hair guy trying to scoop up some trusty focbox since the unity is out of production.

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Lol no. A builder giving up on Flipsky.

I like keeping track of all the places my scavenging Has helped other builders. So far my good fortune in finding and buying out builders that have given up has relocated parts to SC, NJ, MD, CA, FL and RI. Honestly it’s the only way I could justify sacrificing that beautiful trampa and now this psychotiller.

you happy to send the superflys to Sydney 2156 Australia?

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@mynamesmatt Sure. Let me take them to the post office tomorrow to see what that would cost. Pm me the adress so I can figure it out

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@AlanZhou i think it might finally happen xD


Dont get your hopes up :upside_down_face:

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@mynamesmatt. $175 total shipped to Australia

@mynamesmatt nope.


I’ll take that single FOC box

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Still have on focbox, the motors and the thanes

FocBox sold! @MustardTiger I got your payment but you need to send your shipping adress!

Man ur comments are the best :joy::joy::joy::joy:


Well. Thank you my good sr lmao


@BillGordon. Please close. (I’m just going to build four boards now instead of the three that are in the works)

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