Prices dropped on:
- 3ds drivetrain, (trucks, geardrives, abec 11s)
- Moon Drive, Matrix II, Lacroix bushign drive train.
- Moon Drive (mod2) pinions set.
- Moon Drive spur gears (new)
Prices dropped on:
Prices dropped more!!! keep any eye on these falling prices…
prices dropped.
Hold onto that dual ESCape for me 'eh
Mo’ prices dropping…
ok maybe i should be saying “trucks with geardrives”
$ down $ down!
prices dropped on
more $down… more $down
Added new stuff.
Me lookin at all the parts
me looking at that torch and binding while simultaneously telling myself i don’t need em
for a sec i thought peeps used it to spark up
I’ll take the zmote
Good. Lol.
I seem to have lost the pinions for the moon drives for the mbs matrix II + lacroix bushings + moon drive combo