Yep it is!
Also I wouldn’t buy a DieBieMS. So many better options now like the Flexi BMS and LTT Smart BMS (Flexi is better)
You also have the FREESK8 BMS being released hopefully within 2 months from what I heard
Here is my experience with the DieBieMS
And then my DieBieMS
oh my god fuck the DieBieMS.
i spent 80euro on it? and spent over 100euro fixing problem after problem. components stopped working, things blew up. Just a nightmare overall that I don’t ever wish upon even my worst enemy.
Again thank you @linsus so much for helping me out and fixing it! So much troubleshooting and hours involved. oh god the memories are coming back…
For the sake of god, everyone reading this, just get an LTT smart bms. I have one now and it’s all you ever need. communicates with METR app, shows cell voltage and health over Bluetooth. It really is the only BMS along with @SimosMCmuffin Flexi BMS that’s worth buying. Definitely get a Flexi bms if they are in stock, nothing better exists as of now