Wanna be in the Guinness Book of world records.

The one im pretty tempted to give a go is fastest nudie speed camera ping. Pads helmet and shoes arent clothes so they can stay.

Edit My logic is theres no way I have the stones to go 140kph but setting a cruisy 60 or would be an interesting way to get on the books :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

This but also…

Nudie speed camera record sounds like a record worth having the more I think about it.

For some reason (wasted potential.?) this quote has struck with me. I’m going to go ahead and be corney here. If you want to be remembered,if anyone does practice random acts of kindness. I met a woman I had stopped to change he r tire in the rain. 6 months later I met her in my home, a high school friend of my girlfriend. She cried recalling how much it helped her. Perhaps becoming a mentor,my 15 year old is doing it of his own accord. My life isn’t what I imagined,but i have been lucky and I can (you can) produce a positive ripple effect that will out live you. Take care