VESC-EXPRESS, Logging, GPS and WiFi

Thanks. I’m a software developer by profession so I should have the skills but is there any API or other doc anywhere on this?

Aren’t all the apps that get RT data interfacing to their own hardware (which interfaces to a VESC-based ESC) like Metr, iLogger, etc.?

In theory there should be some kind of API so that one definitely does not need to be including any of the GPL-licensed VESC code.


To be honest , I need to talk to Vedder to see how we can document things in the code base.
The Express is very new and I’m not the expert on the code side. Vedder is very open and will answer all questions on the VESC development Discord server.


Thanks. I’m on the Discord and can ask there but it would be good to see the answers here too.


No, u don’t go that far. I’m willing to go to war if u insult my ice cream boy like that.

I see u having 0 contribution to this forum besides sucking on frank’s dick to boost his ego, and maybe getting nail to two pieces of plank

Flag me for derail all u want, that just prove my point even more


Benjamin has published the source code, let’s see how long it takes others to release their own hardware.


This is interesting. Price isn’t bad either.

Im not clear on the logging UI. Is it the log analysis feature that’s already included in the PC version of VESC tool or is it a separate app?

Maybe Im not using it right but Ive found the log analysis feature that’s been in VESC tool works ok and will show everything thats needed but it’s not very user-friendly.

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I would like to know that too. Can someone answer. I have a special case where I can’t use UART fro a Bluetooth module, so that would be ideal. Metr Pro is out of stock and the company seems to be done. The I logger is only for logging any you cant change the vesc settings. Is there an other option to connect to vesc on the fly with you phone. I know I can get another PPM remote and just use a cheep bluetooth module, but I like my the remote I have and another remote + bt module is around 50 bucks anyway.

Seems there is little interest in this for some reason which I can only assume is due to the lack of a dedicated app from which to view the data.
Also, it seems like there is alot of controversy concerning open source. Something Im going to steer clear of but I wonder if this could be a reason for what appears to be a lack of interest.
Kinda sucks because the ESP32 C3 is a microcontroller which has a ton of potential.

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the lack of any user friendly interface, and the fact that you vesc express may or may not work and the lack of customer support or trouble shooting.
maybe if they tested it for another six months, made it a dedicated product and not diy fuckery it would have taken off better

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Just got notice of this, very nice indeed - do I understand it right: no need to log with my phone again? I just go riding, connect via WiFi later, will find log files from the day to copy them to my computer?
Does anyone have it and done this?
I have created a metr-like web based view tool and would love to get my hands on a log file from VESC Express to try!


So I have bought it - installed and setup. I still don’t understand why they made the GNSS extra, who would need logfiles without GPS? Anyway, bought it both and seems to work (it showed my location in VESC Tools 6.02, yeah!).

I am however having a couple of issues with it:
At first, it showed up in the list of CAN devices, I could click on it, load software, update, change settings, nice. I could start logging (at least I clicked the button, there is no confirmation message) and click to stop logging. But no files were written. Writing to SD card works (“Test SD-Card” confirmed it). No message, no info, no idea what might be the problem.

But even if this would have worked: unfortunately – and I consider this a BIG flaw in software development – if connecting by mobile, there seems to be no way to get access to logfiles. What the hell? You need to carry your computer around having VESC Tool installed to access the logfiles although this thing has wifi AND bluetooth and works smoothly with the app, but the app does not let you download the files. Holy! I hope this is my mistake and I have missed something. Otherwise this really needs to be fixed!

But I cannot seem to use it anyway: after altering some wifi & bluetooth settings, it does not show up as CAN device anymore. Wireless or connected by USB. I have disconnected it, reboot everything, no luck.

Any help is greatly appreciated.


If you want to ask in the VESC development discord you might get more help.

Hi, I have also bought the Express T with the GPS, but I dont get the GPS working. I use 6.0.2. Did anybody get a fix with the GPS module from trampa?

Could you show pictures of how it’s set up, and his you tested it? Specifically, were you indoors or outdoors, and did you get any error codes

you must use beta firmware at least 6.05 fro express logger - add the logger plugin in vesc tool 6.05. Firmware of vesc could stay in 6.02 its works. Carefully read the Discord - section logger - I posted some screenshot and config. But short story long, vesc-express logger device must be configured as -2.0 in device Id if I remenber it. I add Minnie logger in more and even if Vesc express was working, there is no interface - no application for apple watch and no support. IT’s the hard way to have logs on vesc. Good luck !