(US) 12s charger group buy - CLOSED/SHIPPED.

@Accrobrandon Doneski

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I had you put me down for one. And I just payed for the one. But I thinking of getting one more. IDK… gotta sleep on it. Will you have any extras?

Sorry no…I’m only ordering what the hive wants…if you want an extra let me know and I’ll adjust accordingly… But yeah sleep on it no biggie I’m crashing out now anyways

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Got it done.

Will put it to good use…

Is it too late to get in for an 8A hoochie?


so far so good, just over half way paid in, so i assume by end of day everybody should be good unless theres any stragglers… thx everyone so far for being prompt.


Money sent and form filled out. Bunch of 8A chargers by the looks of it, nice. Thanks for putting this together.

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Payment sent, form filled.

Checking to see If someone wants to claim my spot.
I honestly don’t have the money right now, and don’t want to hold anything up.


I’ll put myself down for a 6a
Bing bang dun
Hopefully I’m not too late :grimacing:

I’m a bit weirded out on the whole “pay-pool” concept…
Can you simply send me an invoice or publically list your paypal addy, that is essentially what you’re asking me to do…

If Pay-pool is your only method… Scratch my name…


It shares his name and everyone in the pool. We can see each other and who has paid.

I mean it’s not that wierd, simply lets others know who else is contributing. It’s not showing everyone your confidential payment information.
Unless your full name is so confidential

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fine… I’m OUT… @Accrobrandon scratch my name off the list…

thanks for setting this up…

thinking about all this has reinforced my thoughts to build my own multi-adjustable amp power-supply…


User name checks out.

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its all good, i was feeling the pool would be a good option for transparency and to show who was contributing or not as things progressed. I think with a couple last min additions we’re good overall.

@rob yur in

@kook yur out…

@xtrakritical yur out too and thats ok…

i think the only person left to pay is @Longboardshort and we’re good, so lemme know if youre still in or out so we can proceed. thanks


I felt that twinge. :frowning: :man_shrugging:

Lul sure, idk what a twinge is. But think, kook would be unmasked as…?? David? Kris? Jose? He must keep his identity safe from our fbi spies

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Paid! Sorry for the holdup! Went for $80 for the 8A, if that’s not okay just toss me back the difference please and send the 6A.

And thank you for the group buy! Long live accrobatic Brandon !


Just paid for a 12s 6A charger! thanks @Accrobrandon for setting the group buy up!