Uk/eu sale (all different various parts)

Not sure what charge cable you are referring to

Also it Is not the same price as starighr from the buyer as you are forgetting shipping and in the first place this is still cheaper

Also you get it in a couple days rather then a month

Right ow they are 70$ a piece from flipsky that is way more then what I am charging

I ment the function of the micro USB cable.
I don’t know what you’re smoking bro:

Why am I forgetting shipping when shipping is included xD

Sure you get them quicker, although mine arrived after 2 weeks straight from China, but they’re brand new and packaged. You can’t offer any guarantee.

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For me they’re 50€…but okay. I’m not your mentor, do what you want bud.

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The micro usb are charge cables but can also be used to connect to your vesc and etc

Also €40 I a great price for a vesc however is still stand by the value that these are easily 70 for both

Since they’re new we don’t know if they’re from a shit batch or not. From what people have been saying they usually burn out after 100 or so km and if not and with no major user error, they’ll last alot longer.

Edit: This is just from own observation of what people have been saying btw

edit pt 2: Point is, they’re a gamble, buy cheap, buy twice


Im interested in buying the vesc

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So these were the updated model which were less prone to accidents I don’t know whether they were perfect but definitely better

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So updated prices and can add some good capacitors with the vesc (not the ones you gave me @Athrx) in order to allow the vesc to work better at higher voltage

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Bump bump bump

Prices lowered and pm me with offers

Happy to negotiate or trade

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bump bump bump

offers guys


Pm me with offers