TÜÜB | DIY CF Deck | Weight Shift | 16s3p | UBOX | 6355 | BN Drivetrain

Thanks. I was already riding a lot slower than running speed for this exact kind of reason, and the failure occurred slowly, so I wasn’t in too much danger.


Her first and last group ride


NOOOOOO fuck man this is a sad day indeed! I have a feeling you’re gonna come back with some good lessons learned with a very improved V2 tho :relaxed:


Hells to the yes brother :metal:

The next one will look a lot different. @jack.luis already knows the plan but he’s under an NDA.


The Eads Bridge here in Saint Louis has those exact same things.

If you’re going slow, you’ll have a very bad time. You must hit them at a brisk roll. The smaller the wheels, the faster you need to be rolling. I wouldn’t dare attempt with anything smaller than 97mm.

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Oof, yeah I was on 100s. Good point about going faster, maybe I should have done that. My strategy was actually to carve so that I passed over each crack at an angle. It worked well when it worked, but it was really hard to get the timing right consistently.
I’m just gonna sidestep the problem with better wheel selection next time though.

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the only bridge i’d attempt on thane is the willy b, even still it sucks. those manhattan bridge bumps knocked out one of the phase wire connections on my vanguard as I was going down, nearly throwing me off as my brakes had essentially stopped working. Now I wrap my phase wires in tape and heatshrink to be extra sure.

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107mm to 110mm work fine in my experience IF YOU’RE NOT GOING TOO SLOW. At least on this bridge.

130mm 'thane is a dream on these.

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Holy cow, glad you’re alright. Motors with a loose phase are no joke


Right, I getcha. It didn’t really cross my mind tbh because I knew my control system was affected by rough ground to some degree, so it was never my policy to speed through bumps. I’m sure it works great on normal boards, just like I ride through bumps fast and heel-heavy on rollerblades.

This is another thing, I put more weight on the tail when going over them.

Although I know most folks don’t use tails.

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Deweighting over the cracks helps diminish some of the jarring shocks your board and body take in these situations. Though I’m nott sure how it would work on your strain gages to handle Deweighting

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Oh for sure, anything helps. Board, bike, radio flyer wagon, whatever, you don’t want the front digging into a bump.

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I could deweight alright, increased G load didn’t change the throttle output. Nothing crazy though, human error in how I was pumping was the limiting factor.

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@BenjaminF you can use either the 2nd image in post #2 or this one if gifs work for the banner, thanks



This is more what I’m looking for. Thanks!


BOTY voting is now open, which means that y’all need to go vote the world’s most tubular and world’s first legit remoteless esk8 for most DIY. Not because it was a world altering technical achievement (it was), but because if I get that printer my next build can include MC Escher inspired geometry that defies the laws of physics and drives men beyond the pale of sanity. Hop to it :+1:



Too late, I already voted for you :stuck_out_tongue:

Badass build my dude.


lol thank you, I appreciate it

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If you didn’t have my vote before, you definitely have it now!