Three timing systems - an overview

I think the only sure solution is to alternate the start order or add a handicap

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In practise it doesn’t seem to mean anything. Most important is that it detects at the same place every time.

Very less convenient I think :slight_smile: I think we would never review that. Just too much of a hazel.


Hey could you tell me where you found those dampners that go from your board to your trucks?

It’s the 3link truck. They are not dampeners

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Have fund two small issues with the LapMonitor.

I put it at a sharp hairpin and it began to skip laps. In the manual LapMonitor says the transponder needs to be horizontal.

I had the transponder mounted under the deck. Doing the sharp hairpin the deck tilts to much, and the lap counter doesn’t count every pass.

I moved theLap counter a few meters away from the hairpin and it worked flawlessly again, as the deck didn’t tilt anymore.

The other thing is that it is best if the lap counter have its back to the sun. With the sun facing directly into the lap counter it also sometimes misses a lap.

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Cant wait to test this!

What are these distances?

Also, I assume this is the route

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Almost. You need to go around the green cone. x marks where I tried to put the lap counter.

Then why is that X “no problem” thing there? Just causes confusion, no?

This is a thread about the timing systems not the T-Race track. read the post you got the picture from. It should be pretty clear (I think) why the X is there.

The T-race track and its updates you will find in the T-Race thread or on Facebook :slight_smile:

Oh my bad lol. Thanks. I’ll update here and on there after the first race I setup

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I finally made a beacon or whatever for the lap monitor

I used a 4.8ah Tesla cell

Edit: fuck it I made another. Who wants to race :sunglasses:


A few people have asked if the LapMonitor can handle two people passing it side by side. I done some testing. Be your own judge.

Take a look at the video. In the bottom right corner you can see when the transducer have contact with the Lap counter - Red light.

We can see that the rider closest to the lap counter can block for the rider further away. We see the red light flashing when it should be one solid red through the whole pass. I have been taking a closer look at for how long the rider was blocked. Most of the times it was either 0.01sec. or 0.02sec. the longest block was 0.04sec.

My thoughts… I dont think this will be a problem in real life. Could one rider end up being blocked through the whole pass. Yes I guess so. But it would be very unlikely. We only need one “contact” with the lap counter to get a timestamp. It doesn’t matter that the “contact” are broken through the pass. Its only if we are blocked at the very beginning of the pass that we can loose a little time. But in all the short track I have seen and participated in it is very seldom that two people pass the finish line that close. So my guess is that it would be a 1 out of 1000 problem.


I left the transponder connected to a 4.8ah cell for 8+ hours and it went from 4.2V to 4.15v. The transponder doesn’t function below 3.7v it says, which is nice as a way of not draining the cell too far


Hows this setup

I’ve yet to try it, maybe tonight? I have a lot of building to do

i wanna race!


You know where to find me :wink:


Okay, we tested thoroughly today. @Evwan @hoytkid . I tried to build a standard but fun track in CAD to make irl. That didn’t work at all and we went free form.

That worked well after adjustment based on rider feedback. The fastest time was 15.7s.

I’ll upload/link videos here later, remind me lol

The lap timing system worked flawlessly!! Day and night! We had only two on the track on the time for safety reasons. I love the robot voice that’s announces the current times and who’s winning. We’re gonna hook that up to a Bluetooth speaker.

For the transponders I used their smallest version, like 18x18x7mm. Glued that to a 21700 with a USB charge circuit. Works great.

I recommend the flat cones, tall ones get blown away in the wind. Also, chalk, you need a lot. People aren’t good at following a track with only cones.


Glad it worked! Lets get some raceing going!

Do you have an on off switch on you transducer/battery build?