The "Why Can't" Thread

Why can items only cost a little more than what thay cost to make. Why do so many middle men get involve and make so much more profit than the original Desiner and manufacture


Why can’t folks understand how much middle men actually do, and how much they help ensure you get a quality product the first time that’s what you expect it to be and are there for you if it’s not



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Why can’t that be a true statement of my experience of ESk8 part suppliers


Why can’t anti spark switches be less then freaking 40€

Why can’t you just use a 4€ loopkey that never fails?


You got me xD

BeCaUsE I wANT fAnCy LeDS wiTH a StYliSh buTToN tO tUrN mY RgB eSKeiGhT oN

Please make a commercial for the loop key xD


Flipsky vesc has built-in antispark. But you need to replace the button. It switches off from vibrations.

Before vesc, I was riding on single BTS555 mosfet. But 10s battery is above its datasheet limit.

So I don’t need antispark protection for my 4.12 Fsesc?

Only for 6.x versions.

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Why isn’t voice recognition used in esk8?
You could turn your esk8 on / off, enter police mode etc

All that without being stalked by the Cia by using an arduino with such a module:

Only con: for one sillable words it likes when you start to drop bars for some reason… So by making rhyme chains you trigger it too :joy:

Let’s say your command is “hi”
“why” “I” “lie” “fry” will be recognized as “hi”

You can prevent that by making the command longer “hello there” for example

The module can record 15 records, 5 records in one group. It can only use one group (set of 5 commands) at a time, but your 5th command in first group could be “go group 2” and you have them linked :slight_smile:
Record is 1,3s long, so enough time.
Could be used to turn esk8 on, maybe enter remote settings, change display information on the remote, change driving mode on the esk8 (especially good for police!!!)

Here’s a sketch:
Your normal start word is something a cop wouldn’t say
I like “Llama” as an example.
Then you have “Activate” “Turn on” or just something a dumb cop would expect to be the ** on ** command

You go out of your house for a ride? Say your sneaky secret word “Llama” to go full speed, and then when the police stops you just say your normal word (for people with social anxiety, this could even be “hello” or “hello officer”)
And your esk8 will be limited to 6kmh (or whatever you want…) That’s whats legal here for me I think…

Good idea?


“hold my gun”



Or make it “do you guys like McDonald’s?” and when they say “what???” you just say it was out of interest muhahaha

Well but if they hear you saying that…
In the US…
And you’re not white…
With a trigger remote…


I’m so happy this whole forum is completely unbound from politics or religious opinions. Here, everyone is just part of a huge family, because we’re all connected by our hobby.
I find that really cute :slight_smile:


Make it “may I ask why you pulled me over?”

Super natural response lol


“Hey I have a little boner” might trigger the module too then xD

That should actually be the policeman saying it :slight_smile:

I guess you have best chances to get out of this situation by offering him to ride your esk8 :joy:


That’s what I love about this community…


FWIW vesc tool allows you to set profiles both permanent and until the vesc is powered down.
So you have 2 profiles. A permanent with whatever speed/power limit is legal and another you activate when you turn the board on.
If you get stopped, power off the board and if the police check it, it will default to the legal settings when powered on again.


I asked a teacher at my school if he could machine a part for me because he had access to the lathes, there was a hole in a drive gear that was 22mm and I needed it widened to 24mm,
He replied that ‘This is America, and the measurement system of communists isn’t used here’ and asked for the freedom units equivalent… of which I did not know. Very annoying and quite petty, metric is just superior.


His machines probably had imperial leads and he didn’t want to do the conversion lol


Why can’t i have luck?