The Definitive Guide to Metr App / Metr Pro

I’m having issues with my metr. Its connecting via Bluetooth but no data is being shown on my app. Stand alone metr pro connect to a unity

Enable UART (usually it is disabled on UNITY)

What baud rate?

115200 baud.

but metr auto detects. so it can be anything and work.

Strange. I’m having the same issue as dude above but I’ve been monkeying with my set up.

In order to troubleshoot a problem I’ve swapped esc’s a few times.

Escape>flipsky(worked but not at first)>escapes(didn’t work again)>TB6(doesn’t work)

The pairing works and says connected, but no data and no tools.

Uart enabled and correct baud rate.

Escapes have reversed UART pins, you have to change the cable. Could be similar issue with TB6? @Skatardude10?

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Yeah, I have been changing those mofos like a mad man. All still have continuity. It connects immediately. If I forget it it goes red, and then reconnects. Only escape is different and I’m set to factory default metr pins now. Lol

The escape is like this

Flipsky is this

And TB6 is this

Just to follow up with more info.

I have confirmed that continuity from connector to pcb is good as well. Everything is connected as the wiring should be and the metr module connects to Bluetooth. The phone also sees it. No data is transferring.

Also notice if I force close the app, it requests the pin before paring again.

And more info. Green and blue lights blinking light crazy. Metr says connected, phone says connected, but no data. If you switch tx and rx it exhibits the same behavior.

Green blinking means UART is not enabled / wrong UART pins. Please check with USB that you have UART app enabled.

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I’ll double check but I did confirm that both vesc were enabled at one point. They were not to start. Thanks for the tip and will try I’m the next hour. Beating the youngsters at a video game currently.

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Sorry to pester you again.
Here is what I found

I found an old android device to try. I don’t think it’s actually pairing. I can’t remember the pin and what I took a picture of doesn’t seem to work. I have a pic of 3123 but the sticker was ripped. I can’t remember if it used to be more than 4 digits. The android never stops asking for the pin.

Ok there are 2 separate issues.

  1. PIN for all Metr Pro modules is 6 digits. Without PIN you won’t be able to use Metr Pro. We might recover that, but first let’s sort out issue #2.
  2. UART. You mentioned that you got it working with flipsky at some point. Did you see realtime data? Can you connect to flipsky again and check if green is blinking rapidly? (btw UART settings look fine on your photo)
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Yes, during troubleshooting it did work on the flipsky at one point. I think that’s before I had the phone forget the metr. There was so much swapping going on that I can’t be sure when it worked. It would be a bit of a pain to swap back to the flipsky. The wiring is different and I just set everything with hot glue. Except metr.

I’ll start working through the possible pin combos until you have the next recommendation.

Last update:

  1. Doesn’t load driving record in Safari.
    When you click DOWNLOAD, a dark bar appears at the bottom.

  2. GPS connection takes a long time

Ive got a Unity that was working fine with the new FW - i went to rename the VECS ID’s to 0 and 1 instead of 92 - 99. and somehow locked myself out of the metr module.

now on the app i can no longer tweak or connect to to metr module.

Sadly this Unity USB-C port fell off. So i cant even flash the firmware via TCP

I am sorry. Will try to do same on my UNITY and see if it bricks it as well. Btw, why would you do that? (change IDs)

Confused the hell out of me to have one called number 0 one called 92, and then one called motor 88 (might have been the WAND hard to say)

and days before i had 88 / 92

Tried unplugging Metr Unity - that did not resolve the issue.

And last time i was connected it gave me an error that another session was connected.

I did the same thing.

I flashed a new firmware and the IDs were 98 and 99. I changed it via the metr and got locked out of it kinda?

Connected to the pc and did it via usb, power cycled and it worked. Vescs are neoboxes

Looks like it started out logging both esc’s but quickly dropped out. CAN was still working because remote worked.

Next five logs were fine.

Please any input on the record upload not working for 2 days now?

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