The Definitive Guide to Metr App / Metr Pro

1 share mode
2 delete mode
3 import mode

Ok but it’s quite tricky, especially with 2+ modes. Isn’t it?

laughs in multiple modes


Ok unpaired the BMS from the Metr app. Still getting the same error. When I apply the mode (25km/h) until reboot, it briefly indicates a writing to vesc process. However it makes no difference to the vesc, it still goes flat out on the throttle and no limit to 25km/h. Funny, when I go into the mode parameters and read from the vesc it says the vesc is set to 25km/h limit, when in reality it is not. :confused:

Hello, I’ve just integrated the FlexiBMS in my e-skate with Metr Pro (wiring).

The BMS seems to work fine but I’m not able to open the dedicated screen from the Metr Pro app by clicking the battery percentage.

I checked FlexiBMS from the battery tab, autodetection and show real time data after plugged in charging. What’s wrong?

For reference, I mean this screen for my FlexiBMS:

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Solved, it was related to the wiring of the CAN bus cable.


@rpasichnyk and @hexakopter
Thanks for developing this feature!



I was just wondering how to connect a MakerX Mini FOC Plus with the metr pro:

5V, 3.3V, GND are obvious. TX/RX seem to be exchangeable, ok. But does it matter how to connect SWC/SWD with A1/A2. A3 remains unused I guess? :thinking:

Thanks and have a great weekend!

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3.3V, GND, TX and RX only need to be connected (:


Just out of curiosity: what are SWC/SWD used for then?

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It is used for programming (initializing) the modules


I got a metr pro can for my two tb6 vescs, plug it in and have no leds on the metr pro lighting up… what am i missing?

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We had another customer with TB6 VESC and the issue is that it does not provide 5V on the CAN port. You can measure it with multimeter and see for yourself. The solution was to get 5V from another port (PPM or COMM)


Wow that is frustrating thank you

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Can confirm, was only getting about 4V from the CAN port on my Torque6. Ended up stealing voltage from PPM

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Is it just me or is anyone else having issues with uploading their logs?
Everytime I try to upload mine I instantly get an error saying ‘Failed to upload’
I have an old metr but all the data seems to have logged fine


i did have it once like an hour ago.

Just tried it again and it had a very long message with “bla bla different metr”

but Ultimately uploaded it. Others work too.

How old? Not Metr Pro? Upload only works for Metr Pro unfortunately

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Oh its a non metr pro indeed. Its the first metr :stuck_out_tongue:

Hi all, just got myself a Metr and it looks cool. Loads of features to learn about. Is it currently possible to mix the metric and imperial on the records page please? I’m after mph, Wh/mile and degrees C. (Future “UK Mode” maybe?) Thanks!