THE CYBOARD | Stainless Steel Unibody | Ubox | Modular 16s6p TM3 | BN-AT|

The easy way would be the hex grip pads, but i vote for this:

It may be a pain in the ass with as far as you’ve come already, but in keeping with the metal cyborg murder machine theme, it lends itself really well to threaded studs

Question for you -
Are there any physical locating features for the lid? As in, does the lid just sit on top on your magnet tabs, or it is recessed beneath the lip of the chassis when installed?

I ask bc i wonder what happens when you take a super aggressive turn and those g forces are trying to rip your lid sideways


What made you go stainless vs a stronger alloy steel?

The corrosion resistance?


I love this board.
it looks so cool on the move.

I was stoked to watchthis.


i love how you can just see me and my board in the back of the b-roll shots lol


Love this build. Very inspiring



I still don’t see any grip!! Do you just wear non-slip shoes? On metal deck, my nonslips are enough grip 95% of the time, and I’m thinking foam grip is the way. Metal decks transfer vibrations to your feet very well, and I’d like to counteract that.

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Consider this a like a concept board that runs and all. When I’m not just taking photos I apply some clear grip.

One day I will think of a much better solution and I’m open to ideas.


Stippling! A huge pain to apply for such a large area but you’ll keep the pure steel aesthetic.

Or maybe some sort of steel mesh welded on top, that might be cool.

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Epoxy doesn’t stick to stainless :confused:


Makes sense, I suppose it’s in the name

What about spar urethane? It worked on aluminum…
Alternatively you could go the route I saw this one guy do. Velcro over the entire lid > Velcro sheets of grip tape that you stick on. Would kill the cool metal look, but you could pick your grip out a drawer to match your outfit xD

You could also try a sheet of sorbothane over the top, reduces vibrations extremely well. Mostly used in music equipment but I think it has potential as a vibration dampening grip.

Oh and permabond makes an epoxy that’s specifically for stainless steel. Don’t think anyone’s used it for frit, ever, so definitely do some testing first, but I think that thing is in fact frittable :thinking:
I bet if you used steel frit it’d look pretty freakin cool.


I would drill some holes on the foot stand area and screw in some spikes. This would support the cool all metal look instead of destroying it.

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Terrible idea but probably the coolest… Electromagnets.

Get some magnetic stuff in your shoes and get some powerful electro magnets.

It is a bad idea in all aspects, but cool factor 100


The 3mm studs I use are as big as you’d want for grip. Any bigger - and they’d need to be bigger if they were bolt-ins or for welding - and they’ll only afford you less grip.

There are specialist adhesives for stainless but it’s doubtful that they’d withstand the sort of forces that they’d get exposed to.

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Mountain bike pedals use M3 machine screws threaded in from the back to grip shoes, it works amazing.
Maybe there’s a way to knurl the deck surface? Put it on a mill table and somehow get the knurler in the spindle?
Crosshatching with an angle grinder if all else fails?

Anyway this is def my favorite board I’ve seen this year.



Vote for Cyboard for most DIY!

If you wanted @Flyboy to win the printer prize:

so vote for me for the DIY Category!! Hahaha


Keeping in mind that this is a scam by Jackson to keep the printer in the city so he doesn’t need to pay international shipping, I will begrudgingly accept that CYBOARD is a worthy DIY contender and you should consider voting for it :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: